/ Action / Godly Figurines Descend

Godly Figurines Descend Comic Godly Figurines Descend Comic

Godly Figurines Descend

Terminé 164 Chapitres 1.1M Affichage

Éditeur: JU XIAOAN

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Godly Figurines descend, and Bestoweds who obtain the figurines will obtain the power of the gods! This is a story of a young boy who has death premonitions. After obtaining the weakest Shrimp Soldier figurine, he climbs towards the summit step by step!


  1. James_Mayhew
    James_Mayhew Contribué 2002
  2. Zee_7284
    Zee_7284 Contribué 910
  3. doyle54
    doyle54 Contribué 738


Cadeau -- Cadeau reçu

    État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone
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