/ Action / Into the Net!

Into the Net! Comic Into the Net! Comic

Into the Net!

Terminรฉ 173 Chapitres 1.4M Affichage

ร‰diteur: Caobaojin

Environ Table des matiรจres


An ordinary young boy named Lu Yifan is a basketball enthusiast with hopes of playing basketball without disruption from anyone, but things don't turn out the way he expects. Little deos he know that numerous challenges and obstacles await him. So, is he a survivor or a quitter?


  1. reinstate
    reinstate Contribuรฉ 4660
  2. kuhl_world
    kuhl_world Contribuรฉ 3116
  3. mmachi7
    mmachi7 Contribuรฉ 3033


Cadeau -- Cadeau reรงu

    ร‰tat de lโ€™alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone
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    • Dรฉveloppement de lโ€™histoire
    • Conception des personnages

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