/ School / Lock you up

Lock you up Comic Lock you up Comic

Lock you up

Terminé 87 Chapitres 633.6K Affichage

Éditeur: Lingchen

Environ Table des matières


It's no coindicence how ordinary high school student Lu Qingyu and refined teaching assistant Cheng Jing meet each other. Long-standing enmity from last generation keeps Cheng Jing away from peace. He racks his brains attempting to bring Lu Qingyu, the star, down, but unexpectedly ends up being dazzled by the star's briliant rays. Lu Qingyu, who trusts Cheng Jing whole-heartedly without any doubts, isn't aware of the trap set up especially for him...


  1. Amanda_Owen_4435
    Amanda_Owen_4435 Contribué 806
  2. Jordana_Jones
    Jordana_Jones Contribué 806
  3. Mr_Madam
    Mr_Madam Contribué 806


Cadeau -- Cadeau reçu

    État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone
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