/ School / Misbehave

Misbehave Comic Misbehave Comic


Terminé 80 Chapitres 1.2M Affichage


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The fiercely rebellious Xiang Yang annoyed his parents, terrified his classmates but attracted his class monitor Ming Xu’s attention deeply. Unconsciously, Ming Xu’s feelings for Xiang Yang got more and more complicated—care, pity, rage, and other indescribable emotions... Using his tenderness and occasional toughness, he finally won that young boy’s heart... This is a romance of redemption filled with laughter and tears.


  1. kreapergrim
    kreapergrim Contribué 947
  2. InkPirateChazz
    InkPirateChazz Contribué 946
  3. conchita
    conchita Contribué 943


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