/ Eastern / My Dangerous Prince

My Dangerous Prince Comic My Dangerous Prince Comic

My Dangerous Prince

Terminé 265 Chapitres 3.8M Affichage

Éditeur: Ake Culture

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As the result of time travel, the best agent in the twenty-first century ends up being the ugly, dimwitted fifth princess in the Dongyue Kingdom. There she meets a handsome but cruel and powerful prince regent from a foreign land. Each believes it's destiny to terminate the other, but their encounter turns out to be the beginning of a funny story. “God has sent this strange woman to me.” he thinks.


  1. DaoistiPvqVM
    DaoistiPvqVM Contribué 17477
  2. Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365
    Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365 Contribué 15173
  3. Paula_Abshire
    Paula_Abshire Contribué 14394


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