/ Eastern / My Disciples are all Devils

My Disciples are all Devils Comic My Disciples are all Devils Comic

My Disciples are all Devils

Terminé 260 Chapitres 3.7M Affichage

Éditeur: 1819

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When he woke from his slumber, the Night King found himself resurrected! It has been 300 years, his disciples that he trained through efforts have now attained immortality and grown up, each beautiful and elegant! “300 years… 300 years! It is my turn to tease…No, guide you all!”


  1. Chris_Geer_7290
    Chris_Geer_7290 Contribué 29470
  2. Yingfa4eva
    Yingfa4eva Contribué 27592
  3. Ethan_King_6227
    Ethan_King_6227 Contribué 24037


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    Stone -- Power stone
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