/ History / Psychic Princess

Psychic Princess Comic Psychic Princess Comic

Psychic Princess

Terminé 559 Chapitres 8.4M Affichage

Éditeur: Rou Rou

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Qian Yunxi, the daughter of the prime minister, was born with a superpower and raised in the mountains. As she turned 16, she substituted her younger sister to marry into the "luxurious" Mansion of Prince Ye. As the rumor went that Prince Ye Youming was cold and cruel, what kind of adventure would she have there?


  1. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Contribué 59187
  2. Savi_Weigel
    Savi_Weigel Contribué 28067
  3. Raya_Roses101
    Raya_Roses101 Contribué 23927


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