/ Romance / Solely Favored by the Cat-like Campus Hunk

Solely Favored by the Cat-like Campus Hunk Comic Solely Favored by the Cat-like Campus Hunk Comic

Solely Favored by the Cat-like Campus Hunk

Terminé 49 Chapitres 519.2K Affichage

Éditeur: Fenggu,Daybreak Alliance

Environ Table des matières


The new campus hunk not only keeps bullying me, but also becomes my nanny?! He acts so weird and sometimes even paws at me! But somehow, I find him very familiar … A cat that has exchanged his soul with a human accidentally falls in love with his revenge target. But even with a series of misunderstandings they still want to be with each other. See how the sweet revenge between the cat prince and the vet girl takes place!


  1. Vanessa_Rivera_4824
    Vanessa_Rivera_4824 Contribué 413
  2. HinataNeji
    HinataNeji Contribué 413
  3. Jodi_Mansfield
    Jodi_Mansfield Contribué 403


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    Stone -- Power stone
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