/ Urban / Soulmate

Soulmate Comic Soulmate Comic


Terminé 42 Chapitres 37.6K Affichage

Éditeur: kuaikan

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The two girls are friends, relatives, and soul mates. Yu Qi, a 17-year-old high school girl, woke up and swapped souls with her 27-year-old self. On one side is a lover who has been together for many years but reunited, and on the other side she is forced to be the girlfriend of an unfamiliar person. Both worlds are changing, but what remains the same is you who is by my side.


  1. Delle_7682
    Delle_7682 Contribué 111
  2. Tsub4_Ryu1
    Tsub4_Ryu1 Contribué 3
  3. Literata
    Literata Contribué 1


Cadeau -- Cadeau reçu

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    Stone -- Power stone
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