/ Action / Spare Me, Great Lord!

Spare Me, Great Lord! Comic Spare Me, Great Lord! Comic

Spare Me, Great Lord!

618 Chapitres 9.8M Affichage

Éditeur: Read Comics

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As the superpower awoke, everyone was sparing no effort to cultivate. Lu Shu was the only one who could get stronger by collecting others’ negative feelings and calling people names! All he ever wanted was to protect his little sister, but no one could resist the trend of the world...Well, he'd just do what he had to do and thus become the strongest! Are you ready to welcome the "Super Demon" Lu Shu?


  1. DarkShadowBlaze
    DarkShadowBlaze Contribué 116184
  2. Lucifer66698
    Lucifer66698 Contribué 72697
  3. Sean_Batchelor_2309
    Sean_Batchelor_2309 Contribué 62338


Cadeau -- Cadeau reçu

    État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone

    Disponible en tant que roman

    Spare Me, Great Lord!

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