/ Action / Tales of Demons and Gods

Tales of Demons and Gods Comic Tales of Demons and Gods Comic

Tales of Demons and Gods

848 Chapitres 48.4M Affichage

Éditeur: Taxue Comics

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"The world overturns as demons arrive..."
#Eastern Fantasy #WeaktoStrong
#2020 Male Lead No.2

【Update Mon Wed】A warp in space-time occured because of the Space-Time Demon Spirit Book, and Ni Li, who should have died in an ambush by God-rank Demon Beasts, awoke to find himself sitting in a classroom. He had returned to his 13-year-oid self. Everything had been reset. How will he protect his true love now?


  1. Jack_Ochs
    Jack_Ochs Contribué 102423
  2. aaron_schmidt
    aaron_schmidt Contribué 85044
  3. Laurence_Sevigny
    Laurence_Sevigny Contribué 71418


Cadeau -- Cadeau reçu

    État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone

    Disponible en tant que roman

    Tales of Demons and Gods

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