/ Action / The Day an Asteroid Fell Into School

The Day an Asteroid Fell Into School Comic The Day an Asteroid Fell Into School Comic

The Day an Asteroid Fell Into School

Terminé 40 Chapitres 320.6K Affichage

Éditeur: Mstoryhub

Environ Table des matières


"One day, on a seemingly normal day, a strange meteorite falls on a school.
Parasites from the asteroid start infecting the students, turning them into monsters."


  1. Daniel_Nelson_9700
    Daniel_Nelson_9700 Contribué 601
  2. aSlothfulSkeleton
    aSlothfulSkeleton Contribué 483
  3. Random_0034
    Random_0034 Contribué 482

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone
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Le score total 0.0

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