/ Slice-of-Life / The Healing Bear and the Red Panda

The Healing Bear and the Red Panda Comic The Healing Bear and the Red Panda Comic

The Healing Bear and the Red Panda

Terminé 62 Chapitres 97.5K Affichage

Éditeur: Ruanmianmiandeji

Environ Table des matières


This is a short story about the daily life of a patient with depression. In the story, Zhizhi (the Healing Bear) is Yuyu (the Red Panda)'s good friend. With great patience, Zhizhi gradually helped Yuyu walk out of the shadows.


  1. JustChillin
    JustChillin Contribué 21
  2. roshani_ramane
    roshani_ramane Contribué 4
  3. Them_Weed_Bitchz
    Them_Weed_Bitchz Contribué 3


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