/ Urban / The Superb Captain in the City

The Superb Captain in the City Comic The Superb Captain in the City Comic

The Superb Captain in the City

Terminรฉ 336 Chapitres 13.3M Affichage

ร‰diteur: ChaoJiNeiRong

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An extraordinarily charming and capable retired special forces who is pursued by enemies all over the world and targeted by evil powers. On top of these, he is also burdened with the mission of protecting his loved one. What kind of experience will this be?


  1. keemthadream
    keemthadream Contribuรฉ 23854
  2. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Contribuรฉ 21072
  3. ForgottenHours
    ForgottenHours Contribuรฉ 14380


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