/ Inspiring / Venom Doctor

Venom Doctor Comic Venom Doctor Comic

Venom Doctor

Terminé 86 Chapitres 1.0M Affichage

Éditeur: Qing Si Jian/Hong Shu Wang+WindFox Comic

Environ Table des matières


Xiao Dagen, a college student, is despondent after his failed efforts to set up a chicken farm upon his return to his hometown.  He unwittingly stumbles upon the legacy of the Ultimate Poison Master and this changes his destiny forever! He dates the prettiest girls, shows off the coolest things, and defeats anyone who crosses his path to make his way to the top of the world!


  1. DaoistK2m5Lm
    DaoistK2m5Lm Contribué 1211
  2. Joey_Hoyng
    Joey_Hoyng Contribué 1200
  3. Pithyglobe_Playz
    Pithyglobe_Playz Contribué 1197


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    Stone -- Power stone
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