/ Others / Deadland's Global

Deadland's Global Orisinil

Deadland's Global

Others 310 Bab 1.0M Dilihat
Penulis: Ferasight

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The streets crowd with people, the loud city surrounding everyone, as seemingly robotic processes play out according to their jobs.

The boring existence irritating a man who carefully looks around. A blinding glow forming in the sky, unaware he continues to look around before seeing other looking up.

Glancing up, he stares at it, the light flashing as a pillar plummets to the surface, lifting a person up. People's eyes going wide as more appear in the sky.

Flashing back to reality, he turns to run towards a building trying to get to cover before getting caught before. A beam of blue transparent Light striking him.

Gravity seemingly having no effect as he. floats up staring around. He grabs at the edges, to no avail, as he tries to swim down.

Failing terribly as he's dragged into the blue light, disappearing completely

(The Cover is Not Mine and the world Is not mine the MC is mine)

General Audiences


  1. Ferasight
    Ferasight Berpartisipasi 131
  2. Golden_Gamer_7564
    Golden_Gamer_7564 Berpartisipasi 13
  3. Hacku
    Hacku Berpartisipasi 12

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai


  • Kualitas Terjemahan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Bagikan pikiran Anda dengan orang lain

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LV 13 Badge

What world Is It?

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dunno it's got 80/100 in the english score good first few chp just wanted to leave a review tftvtvtvtvhhhhhhhhhjhhhhhhhjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Lihat 2 balasan

Its good, English in the first few chapters is a bit bad (1-10chapter eng= 60/100, 11-~ eng= 90/100) , but overall it's good. I recomend to read it. And dont judge the book by the first few chapters.

Lihat 3 balasan

The description of the story is simply terrible... How is the reader supposed to get an idea about it with such lazy description that says nothing at all?

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Not a bad plot but the English ruined it😥😥 Author pls work on ur English.Thats my own review,I suggest U read the book than following my opinion

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No geral e uma merda sem sentido, e completamente ilógico,....................................................................................................................................................

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well, from chapter 9-10, I almost completely stopped understanding what I was reading, something was happening, but because of the continuous text (in paragraphs 1-2 in chapter) and the chaotic hash (due to abilities), nonsense comes out ...

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a lot of potential, it just needed a coherent beginning and better grammar. My tip is for you to rewrite this beautiful work with an emphasis on grammar!

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Penulis Ferasight