/ Urban / Game Portal : Making a Multi-Billion Dollar Company!

Game Portal : Making a Multi-Billion Dollar Company! Orisinil

Game Portal : Making a Multi-Billion Dollar Company!

Urban 60 Bab 269.6K Dilihat
Penulis: KN_Aditya

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The young man was living a hard life ever since his father was killed by a powerful, rich individual. He was left in debt, having to pay for a house they no longer owned, a hefty medical bill, and expensive education fees. But his fortune changed one day when he stumbled upon The Game Portal, a portal which allowed him to bring products from the game into the real world and sell them for a profit. With his newfound strength, he set out to become the greatest businessman in history, using his wits and determination to make a fortune. Along the way, he will face numerous obstacles in becoming a legend in the business world.

Cover art: it's the character Pearl Lex

Parents Strongly Cautioned


  1. Gary_Anderson_7206
    Gary_Anderson_7206 Berpartisipasi 210
  2. ripdose
    ripdose Berpartisipasi 200
  3. Alexander_Spoor
    Alexander_Spoor Berpartisipasi 184


Hadiah -- Hadiah diterima

    Status Power Mingguan

    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone

    Anda Mungkin Juga Menyukai


    • Kualitas Terjemahan
    • Stabilitas Pembaruan
    • Pengembangan Cerita
    • Desain Karakter
    • Latar Belakang Dunia

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    Tulis ulasan

    Honestly its good but selling magical stuff is a good way to get kidnapped and tested on and experimented on

    Lihat 2 balasan

    I can't really say anything, it's a fun read. I recommend it. I know I said I'll give a proper review, but I really can't say anything. It's a solid read. I didn't find any grammar errors that I can point out. The character, in my opinion, is nothing special, there was some development, nothing crazy. The world is nothing special, it's like real life. The story is decent, it was fast-paced, but not rushed, and you can follow it without a problem. Overall it's a decent, good read.

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    I despise people who write a good review before even reading a novel, but now I have to do it too. To be fair I won't give it a five. Anyways, you deserve a 4-star, just by having a single fl, not having a harem is already a rare occurrence lol. I'll write a normal review later after reading some chapters, maybe after 50.

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    lookin forward to it.............................

    Membuka SPOILER
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    It's a good book. I like the fact that the power doesn't change but the mc has to think of ways to use it effectively. The characters tho they feel 2d dimensional most of the time but there are good bases for good character writing here. World background is something I am more interested in it's very subtle but it's working I guess.

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    The novel is good, but it would be better if during the period the phone came in contact with the radiation, the portal and the phone combined, allowing him to enter the other world through the phone portal. Because a smart person can think of why he bought that mansion.

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    Penulis KN_Aditya