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Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin Orisinil

Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin

Book&Literature 83 Bab 1.5M Dilihat
Penulis: Nartleb

4.69 (36 peringkat)

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What if Harry had a twin sister? What if she took a blow to the head from the Dursley's and ended up not quite right? What if the girl just wants to have fun? What if all of her magic was controlled only by her power, and her imagination? And what if she knew the glory, the magnificence, and holiness of... EXPLOSIONS!!!
Honestly not sure where the story is gonna go, but for now I'll simply follow canon as I twist it around with little Misha.
It's a slow burn story instead of a conflagration.
(While it's tagged villain, Misha is a chaotic-neutral entity. Sometimes she's good, others she's evil.)
I update once a week at the start of the week.
If I decide to drop or go on hiatus, I'll make sure to mention it beforehand.

I do not own Harry Potter. All original works are owned by J.K Rowling.
I do own the image.

If you like it, send some support over to my p atreon.com/Nartleb2

General Audiences


  1. Hannah_P_0273
    Hannah_P_0273 Berpartisipasi 786
  2. craze_8093
    craze_8093 Berpartisipasi 351
  3. Nartleb
    Nartleb Berpartisipasi 299

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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The start is slow, we don't have a reincarnated MC who in Chapter 2 has already infiltrated Diagon Alley and learned some magic, nor some BS (which I really like) about how the MC learns wandless magic and wizards are too lazy to this (which actually makes sense considering that in Africa they don't have wands). What we have is an MC completely oblivious to the wizarding world who was really born special (cheat) and naturally uses magic in very interesting ways (actually looks like a witch instead of a mage). The protagonist is a very interesting and really fascinating character that makes us eager to see what she's going to do next instead of looking forward to the next adventure, quest or villain. This in general is a very good fanfic, the kind that we don't see very often around.

Lihat 9 balasan

Funny premise and its been greatly implemented so far, pls keep updating. .

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its great... i just recommend it. thanks author-sama for writing this amazing novel!its great... i just recommend it. thanks author-sama for writing this amazing novel!

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please author you haven't put out any new chapters in a while please don't drop this book it is really good

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over 50% of the current novel is just early life at the dursleys. nothing interesting ever happens shes just a troll. read if ur into that tho i guess

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this is and was a amazing and funny story that I hope you continue. I read it twice so far I love twin stories so I will continue to read it more again hope you continue it.

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LV 2 Badge


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I think the story progression and how the main character is different but it makes it more fun to watch her story also it has added characters that seem to have a good background.

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if you are looking at this and have not read it then read it there is 1000 words here

Lihat 9 balasan

good good good good please please please please continue continue author sama ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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The grammar is perfect and the story is fun to read, and makes me laugh like a crack head sometimes. I just wish there were more chapters to read. Regardless if this ever gets updated again, keep up the good work Author!!!!!!!!!!! ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………

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this was awesome very funny and and I can't wait for more adventures with misha

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This is one of those books that you read for the pure smile it gives you.

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So, this happens to me quite often, but while scrolling through the reviews, I noticed that there is none of my own. Quite sad considering that I've been falling this since, I think, chapter five or something, which is over a year ago at this point. So shame on me, and here's your review, master Nartleb.

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Definitely a fun and enjoyable read, Misha is a cute little menace to society

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Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar Would like moar

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LV 11 Badge

5 star for sure. I love the free spirited part of Misha. And her explosions. Too good. Thanks for the chapters, keep it up.

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Penulis Nartleb