/ Music & Bands / Love At First Sight My Ass | Jikook Smut

Love At First Sight My Ass | Jikook Smut Orisinil

Love At First Sight My Ass | Jikook Smut

Music & Bands 55 Bab 417.7K Dilihat
Penulis: jikook_sunray

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"I fucked you good then, didn't I?"

Love is a funny word with so many interpretations of its definition. Famous professional writer Park Jimin believed love to be a warm feeling felt within his heart if he was in the arms of someone he truly cared about. After an encounter with one of South Korea's favorite male actors, Jeon Jungkook, his beliefs upon it would be tested. The phrase love at first sight held so much power over him which made him perplexed about the reasons behind his new relationship with the actor.

Jungkook felt completely different. Just one kiss with the writer had him dwelling upon a mysterious not explored territory. His own definition of love clashed with Jimin's. Lust fully overpowered his emotions and actions. A dark past was hidden behind his expressions. But aside from this, he was enthralled by the one man who could make him feel forbidden emotions.

Hopefully throughout the journey of their relationship, Jimin's definition of love could change Jungkook's. The challenge would prove to be very difficult for the writer when life didn't seem to be on their side. Was love and fucking the same? Was love at first sight just an excuse to hide lustful intentions? Would their relationship last after Jimin found out about Jungkook's dark past and the reasons behind his actions? Or would Jungkook change for the better after finding out of another of life's obstacles?


-Mature Content
-Triggering Content for sensitive readers

Started: JUL/2019
Completed: AUG/15/20

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Sayma27
    Sayma27 Berpartisipasi 94
  2. MelBri
    MelBri Berpartisipasi 63
  3. Jungshook_Time
    Jungshook_Time Berpartisipasi 9

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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Penulis jikook_sunray