/ Teen / Perfect Revenge : CEO’s Lovely Mistress

Perfect Revenge : CEO’s Lovely Mistress Orisinil

Perfect Revenge : CEO’s Lovely Mistress

Teen 428 Bab 305.6K Dilihat
Penulis: Renata99

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Ella has the most perfect life. A life that everyone could envy her. She has a beautiful face, a beautiful body, abundant wealth.
The most important thing to her is that she has her someone that she thinks is her soul mate.
But a betrayal makes herperfect life shattered. She was lied to, toyed with and thrown into a much worse place than hell.
She was expelled from her family and locked up in a mental hospital, a place that shatter both of her wings.
Five years later, Ella returns with one goal in life. She handed over her body to Christian, a CEO who is notorious for being the cruelest.
In exchange, Christian will help him achieve his dream: REVENGE!

Parental Guidance Suggested


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  2. CherryaftU3D
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  3. Lyndsey_Breame
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    Status Power Mingguan

    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone

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    kok lama gak update ya kak...nungguin lama,aku gak sabar baca lanjutannya

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    Penulis Renata99