/ Movies / Twilight: Something Between a Dream and a Miracle.

Twilight: Something Between a Dream and a Miracle. Orisinil

Twilight: Something Between a Dream and a Miracle.

Movies 4 Bab 38.3K Dilihat
Penulis: TITSOAK69

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In retrospect, Rosalie blames Edward - he left his own human then came crying to both Emmett and her about their own human mates. After they left Forks, they found them; Karina was her name and Gemma for Emmett. So beautiful, So full of life. Life neither of them could fathom crushing...

Edward spewed every possible fear they could have had - reading their insecurities, from accidentally crushing them to the Volturi learning of their existence. Or vampires hunting them as Bella herself was hunted.

In the end ... It worked, Rosalie and Emmett both agreed. They'd give them one last day - memories they hoped they cherished as much as the two vampires would cherish them. Rosalie couldn't stop herself from making love to her mate that night; the first and only time she'd ever get to touch her... and then they disappeared. They ignored every call; every text. Broke themselves listening to their pain and pleas and broke even further when they stopped all together.

And then like the bastard he is; Edward caved - he gave in. He returned to his human spewing how he wasn't "strong" enough to stay away and apologizing for the part he played in them abandoning their mates - but when they went back desperately hoping to be forgiven ... their mates were gone.

Alice could no longer see them; they had dropped out of school and left no forwarding address. They were left a shell of who they once were; begging any god who may listen that their mates were safe and alive - giving up hope the longer time passed without finding them.

Until those very same Mates walk through the doors of Bella and Edward's wedding.

General Audiences


  1. M7TH1C
    M7TH1C Berpartisipasi 10
  2. m3gah1tss
    m3gah1tss Berpartisipasi 7
  3. Loki_777
    Loki_777 Berpartisipasi 5

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

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I love this, I need more chapters.I love this, I need more chaptersI love this, I need more chaptersI love this, I need more chaptersI love this, I need more chaptersI love this, I need more chapters

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Penulis TITSOAK69