Nighty - Profile



LV 14
2017-07-03 Bergabung Global

Lencana 33

Moments 2605



"I understand your concerns, but Azra has sworn on her name as the princess of the orc tribe that she means us no harm. We have to trust her for now. Besides, it's an opportunity to learn more about this world."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris


More empty words, yay

Azra replied."I swear on my name as the princess of the orc tribe that I have no other motives or intentions to deceive you. I am being genuine in my offer and my promise to compensate you."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris


Author needs some actual human interaction, this is hardcore. 🤮

Azra blushed and kept talking, showing her feelings. "Since you want to help, how about being that partner?" Her voice shook a little, showing she was nervous. "I... I would like that, with you."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris



With a mix of determination and vulnerability, Azra turned to her mother, her voice tinged with sincerity, "Dear Mother, I grasp the gravity of our tribe's survival, but my heart yearns for something beyond mere brute strength. I long for a partner who will stand by my side, comprehend the depths of my soul, and together, we can forge a haven of tranquility away from the ceaseless power struggles that haunt this forest."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris



Azra, with a resolute glint in her eyes, turned to her mother and spoke earnestly, "Dearest Mother, the hearts of the men in our tribe seem consumed by the pursuit of strength and power, but my own desires lie elsewhere. I seek a partner who can understand the depths of my soul and cherish the dreams that dance within my heart."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris



"I should give this new attack of mine a cool name, since am in a fantasy world now.... how about. Fire silver rail gun."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris


Before that, find some pants 🙃

As he lowered the mirror, Akun's gaze met Ember and Ivy's determined eyes. "Let's continue our exploration and seek greater heights," he said, his voice filled with determination. "The world awaits, and we will leave our mark upon it."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris


Nevermind, story is


"This is just the beginning," Akun declared, his voice tinged with determination. "I will utilize this newfound strength to bring justice and protect those who are dear to me. No obstacle will stand in my way."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris



But Flint persisted, his voice filled with a gentle firmness. "Please, Boss. It is the only way to fulfill my last wish. Devour my body, and let us become one."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris



Desperation filled the air as Flint called out, his voice tinged with fear. "Boss, save me!" But it was too late. The male ant was taken inside the mouth of a dark blue frog with ominous yellow eyes. The amphibian closed its mouth with a sickening crunch, devouring Flint without mercy.

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris



"Hold, my comrades," Akun spoke, his voice steady and composed. "We have come across another foe. But fear not, for we shall face it as we have before, and emerge even stronger."

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris


Okay he seems slightly smarter than most iskai protagonists (not difficult) , starting to like this story

Akun's curiosity piqued as he recalled the initial encounter with the system, back when it had first spoken to him in the anthill. The words it had uttered hinted at the possibility of spending evolution points on his comrades. Filled with intrigue, he turned to the system and inquired, "What about skills? Can I bestow skills upon them?"

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris



Yes exactly like them, down to their lacking intellect.

"So wait, a system and rebirth. Are you saying I'm like all those Isekai protagonists who were reborn into another world with a system? Sounds cool! The adventure, the magic, the danger, the excitement, I can't wait!" I exclaimed.

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris


Why would he? 😂

"Darn it all, I thought you wanted to save me! What the hell!" I exclaimed. My face clearly showed how surprised I was.

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris


Kinda realising now why he was bullied.

"Damm it, that stuck up goddess tricked me!" I thought, his voice echoing within my own mind. "Why did she? Was she angry? Was it something I did? Damm it all, women are so unpredictable!"

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris


Worry more about how to kill him first rather than all this useless stuff 🙃

Panic surged within me as my thoughts raced. "Wait, he can't be serious, right? I mean, he can't do that. I'll call the police..." My thoughts came to a halt as I realized, "Wait, in a fantasy world, there is no law enforcement or police. There might be knights and priests, but that's it. There's a higher chance of a person just mysteriously dying in a fantasy world, and no one would really care. They would simply bury my body. No investigation, no snooping around, that would be it! Case closed!"

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Evolution begins with an ant colony

Fantasy · Zurbluris


Well, he does have a certain arrow that could silence her for good.

'The biggest one being that he didn't want to push Ishtar too much, he can't silence her were something to go wrong, so he has to give her some space to breathe, else she may want to strangle him to death, even if it costs hers.'

In Danmachi with Plasmids

In Danmachi with Plasmids

Anime & Comics · Abadom

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