Webnovel Author: LemonGrenade - Novel Collection



male LV 13

College student who is working on multiple novels.

2018-01-14 Bergabung United States

Lencana 9

Moments 41



Professor Kal looked at his protégé like he had ran over his beloved dog, his face scrunched up in an expression of disbelief. "And why in the world would we want to go sticking our noses into any of that? Ahhh… I see." His face contorting into a lecherous grin. "Trying to impress your girlfriend there, are we? Have a little bit of that… Hero complex, do we?"

Professor Kal

Professor Kal

Fantasy · Mungknut


Since this is a science fiction fantasy novel, I had a question. Are you aiming for [hard science fiction] or [soft science fiction]? In hard science fiction, technology takes center-stage. In these stories, scientific concepts are explained in great detail which helps to provide scientific realism. Of course, the scientific aspect can sometimes get in the way of character development and plot. In soft science fiction, technology and facts aren't as prevalent, and there is more focus on the way and less on the how. -------------------------- On a side note, I thought it would be interesting to talk about terraforming. Even hundreds of years in the future, I think the ethics, logistics, economics, politics, and methodology of altering an environment on an extraterrestrial world will still be a major issue. Ignoring the political and ethical issues, the economics of such projects would be massive and the infrastructure would have to be built from scratch. For example, to terraform our moon, you would need to toss about 100 comets the size of Halley's to create a breathable atmosphere. Can you image the energy intensity and costs of that? I also do not think every planet/moon in our solar system will ever be fully terraformed no matter how much time has passed. The moons of the gas giants are too far away to receive sufficient sunlight and heat for any sustainable life and atmosphere. In the Expanse (novel series), which is set in the year 2350 and humanity has colonized most of the solar system, Mars (a former colony of Earth now a superpower rivaling it) has not even been terraformed. Most of their inhabitants live in domes and underground cities. The same is said for those on the Moon. I think it would be more likely for the solar system to be colonized but domes and underground cities being the dominant factor. I wanted to talk about terraforming in general because it is a fascinating topic. Well, any topic about astronomy, science, and outer space is fascinating to me to be honest. If you haven't seen The Expanse, I would highly recommend you check it out. You can watch the TV series, which is just as good, or read the book series. The Expanse is one of the most realistic science fiction stories you can find out there that sticks to hard science and realism while making a good plot and great characters.


If that happened, the universe would collapse on itself. It takes an infinite amount of energy just to reach the speed of light, so going faster would send you back in time, breaking causality in the process.

That is why on October 11, 3018, the entirety of Earth's population was shocked to see five people take their first flight, as superhumans, around the globe, with twice the speed of light, slicing through the air just like comets passing by.

The Plains in Super

The Plains in Super

Sci-fi · Qwynzelle


What would have really been interesting is if the two were sent to the Warhammer 40k universe. That would be interesting and the emperor pleased!


That can't be helped. This plane is a place where Cultivation Reigns Supreme! Everyone in this place can cultivate. Even if you don't cultivate at all, just the natural accumulation of Spiritual Energy will strengthen your Soul to an entirely different level. It is completely different from the plane from where Death and Rean came from.

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy · Suiyan


Let me guess…. a lot of face slapping, women capturing, and young masters? If so I am out.

That can't be helped. This plane is a place where Cultivation Reigns Supreme! Everyone in this place can cultivate. Even if you don't cultivate at all, just the natural accumulation of Spiritual Energy will strengthen your Soul to an entirely different level. It is completely different from the plane from where Death and Rean came from.

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy · Suiyan



But it was at that moment that suddenly, a Gate appeared out of nowhere right beside Rean's body! From inside, a figure holding a Scythe came out. The guy's body was covered in faint black energy while he was using a black robe. Not to mention that the robe had a hood that also covered his head.

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy · Suiyan



Thousands of years later…

The Bored Immortal

The Bored Immortal

Fantasy · Resurgent



The next second, the scarecrow revealed a strange smile.

I am a Scarecrow and the Demon Lord of Terror!

I am a Scarecrow and the Demon Lord of Terror!

Fantasy · Laughter and Joy


Hey author-san! I thought of a cool idea/scenario you could implement similar to a side-story. You don't have to since it's your novel, but I think it would add some spice. In this idea/scenario, one of Vahn's clones gets cut off by a mysterious force way more powerful than his body which he can't connect to. The clone would be the main character of this side-story. The twist is that the clone loses most of its powers and becomes as weak as Vahn was at the start of the Fate arc when he just left Danmachi (of course, you adjust it whatever you feel like) without the inner world. I am suggesting this because it would be boring if he was just extremely powerful. I think adding challenges gives interest and meaning rather than just dealing with every problem in a single punch. The clone arrives at some world, like, I don't know, Made in Abyss. I am suggesting this one because I read the entire manga and watched the anime, and I'm in love with it right now. The show is very dark with body horror, so Vahn bringing light into this world would be interesting. Perhaps the Abyss' curse is powerful enough to block off the connection? Of course, my thought pattern would be to throw this clone into a random anime/manga/movie that is not overly popular that other fanfic novels have explored. For example, a recent one like Scarlet Nexus, an old one like Berserk, or maybe even a dark one like Madoka Magica. I am certain no fanfic writer has sent their MC into one of these worlds. Anyway, if you are interested, you could implement this side-story idea into your current novel, or even a new novel if you ever make one. If you don't like my idea, you can just ignore my comment entirely. It's just a random idea I came up with to spice things up.


Somehow all MC’s always gets papercut at this moment


I do not think the US government would dissolve its army like that even if people became powerful. It would be highly unpopular among the general public and something both democrats and republican politicians would not want to happen (especially republicans since it is part of their ideology). Even if both sides argue about military budget allocation, maintaining the military would be a bipartisan agreement. Furthermore, a military would be important in deterring other countries from attacking. That is why they exist. I do not think the appearance of dungeons would change that. What I think would likely happen would be a massive conscription by the government to force those with abilities to enlist (which the public would support in a crisis like this). I don’t think guilds would exist at all but maybe something similar would exist within the military. After the chaos settled and conscription ended, plenty of people with abilities would still voluntarily enlist. A massive military reform would likely happen to accommodate adventurers while research funding would shift towards combining magic with technology to create powerful weapons. This all based on my knowledge of US politics, the military, and general public opinion. I am sure this could be applied to most countries as well. Even myself would be fearful of abolishing the military. This is the most pragmatic approach I can think of that makes sense.

ch 0 1 Daily life in a Dungeon

The Rise Of A Porter

The Rise Of A Porter

Fantasy · AkshatArpit


Why tf is the MC using outdated medieval governing in the first place? They don’t exist anymore for good reasons.

Upon returning to Avalon, Vahn spent a few minutes gathering his thoughts before making his way toward Nobunaga and Kenshin. He had been meaning to spend time with them after their return and, knowing they had some important matters to discuss, Vahn decided it was best to address them sooner, rather than later. It had already been brought to his attention that he may be required to sire an entire 'generation' of children in the near future, as a means of extending the Imperial Family and strengthening the foundation of the Empire. The larger and more unified the Imperial Family was, without having to rely on 'outside' strength, the more stable his governance would be.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


It feels like the author is spouting his/her ideological beliefs rather than the main character. Additionally, it feels like he/she is vilifying the current system the world runs on: capitalism. If this is not the author's beliefs and is actually the main characters, then I apologize and the MC needs to educate himself on capitalism since he seems to not be very smart. Like I have said many times to others, capitalism is an IDEA that someone thought up and put it into practice. This idea worked and brought our current civilization to the stage it is today. Most ideas are not evil unless it involves the killing of innocent people. People who carried sacks of wood on their back created the wheel as and idea to lessen the energy load. They put two wheels on a box which drastically transformed civilization. The wheel is not evil, it is a human idea put forth into motion that worked. The same example can be applied to capitalism. The idea was brought forth and it worked, generating innovation and technology that allows me to type on a computer and access information from the internet. It allowed me to comfortably live in a decent home with a decent quality of life. At the same time, most businessmen who want to make a profit are usually not evil. They just want to make a product that satisfies the materialistic desires of people whilst making a profit. They aren't twirling their mustaches in their office thinking of new ways to be evil. Materialistic desires are intrinsic to human nature and cannot be taken away unless you change human nature itself, which is also impossible. Since the dawn of civilization, humans have evolved their society via trading for something of equivalent value since it is a limited resource. This is economics 101. I desire a fr*cken computer because it helps me be creative. I desire a car because it helps me get places. I desire a beverage because it tastes good. I desire to establish a business because I want to make products to help people, make a profit, and improve that product. Forcefully take that away by eliminating the ways of satisfying that desire (capitalism/socialism), and you leave the world a boring, lifeless world. You are not helping society by giving everyone an AI and attempting to bring grand order. You are just following the footsteps of past governments who tried suppressing materialistic desires and ultimately collapsed. Even supposedly 'communist socialist' countries like China understand this and implement some form of capitalism into their country. I read a sci-fi communist book about a colonized galaxy, and even that civilization makes products to fulfil the desires of the citizens (although everything is cheap to the point it is free and AI run the government).


I feel like the author is spouting his ideological beliefs more than what the main character thinks.

Things like obesity and sickness would become a thing of the past unless, for one reason or another, the person themselves used their companion AI to set themselves on a path where they were able to eat whatever they liked. This would require them to study cooking, tasting, and other specializations related to Gourmancy, it was possible for them to become world-famous as a Chef or Food Critic. They just needed to 'earn' the right to have those resources spent on them without endangering their mental and physical health. In this manner, people could become an 'Elite' in anything they chose to specialize in, from something as simple as playing a board game very well, to becoming a frontier explorer that was able to visit other worlds without ever having to worry about financing and political interference. The only thing anyone would need to do in order to be able to explore space was to become 'qualified' through their own efforts...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

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