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male LV 14
2018-03-01 Bergabung India

Lencana 9

Moments 991


So scorpion tank which can deal with all types of terrain no problems.

After that we rode on Ren who had made a breakthrough in power recently and had grown to the size of a carriage. Ren didn't mind carrying us and was even rewarded for it by my sensei with potent medicines that were especially useful for chakra beasts. 

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro

Replied to Mgaballah

Its something you have to personally experience. No amount of reading past battle records etc will help it drive home how terrifying proper trained mages can be.

No, the duo of veteran officers were currently being struck with the realization of just how useless even their personal elites were against truly powerful magi and were both brainstorming ideas on how to make sure their beloved legion is not wiped out by any random Thalmor mage with more creativity than a vegetable.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


Lo a True Son of Skyrim and a Lich

Anyone not stuck in a looting frenzy, which funnily enough excluded Tolfdir and Phineas as the two were currently on a merry quest digging through the vaults of the castle, was standing or seated around the table.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


wayne and Triss together are perfect. They both also understand that you gotta play politics to survive and ensure your peoples development.

Their shared time, mutual interests, physical and emotional connection, and joint exploration of magic deepened their bond. While not yet exclusive, their relationship blossomed into passionate love.

Witcher: The Half Elf

Witcher: The Half Elf

Book&Literature · LIl_wretch


I really would not be surprised if his caterpillar blooms into a weapon specific to him due to his sage chakra.

For example the seven swords of the mist or the blade of thunder spirit that the second Hokage himself made. All of which had properties that set them above most other tools in the world. Hell one of the swords was a living creature apparently that literally ate chakra. Sounded like my caterpillar that had gotten as big as me after eating my own chakra regularly for years. I honestly think that it was getting close to cocooning and turning into whatever type of insect it was which could be a butterfly or moth.

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro


Holy hell his clone technique is one messed up jutsu. So no jinchuurikis can do it. Atm only he and his teachers can do it. Orochimaru if he gets access to it can definitely do it.

"I am going to be frank with you but all that will achieve is to get them killed or worse instead. First off this technique takes a MASSIVE amount of chakra even for me and leaves the person using it highly vulnerable for a couple days after they do so as they adapt to having more than one body. Then of course you need an extremely good control of your chakra which admittedly any iryonin worth a damn likely has. Of course there is also the issue of Yin Yang chakra manipulation followed by literally causing your entire body to basically split in half to create a second fully physical you without giving yourself cancer or multiple of the same organs and keeling over without understanding why. Basically the only people who could use the technique at all are extremely skilled iryonin and even then there is a very good chance it would kill them instead with the smallest mistake." I said bluntly.

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro

Replied to Foosh

You do realize via Tsunade he is also getting access to a lot the Village's forbidden jutsus. He got the entire shadow clone line and more that Tsunade is teaching him.

"I can see why you are upset and in this case your anger is justified to a degree. I honestly didn't know that that thing was causing him such problems but I can assure you that i will rectify this issue by the end of the day. Now I'm afraid that I must insist on you leaving a record of the technique behind as it is far too important to risk losing should you die." the old man said seriously.

Naruto-The secret sage

Naruto-The secret sage

Anime & Comics · loskro


You should have gotten the dragonborn.

And so it went, room by room we kept marching on, leaving the dead and broken behind us for the healers to try and salvage. As I saw yet another elite legionary get her neck snapped by what could barely be called a young man I was struck with the stark realization that if we mages were not leading the way the battle may have potentially been a loss.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


Perfect!! They can also burn down the Diadem while they at it.

Lynn shook his head with a light laugh. "Never mind, although the course of the story has changed, it's not without remedy. Besides, Harry is Dumbledore's savior, not ours. We don't necessarily have to rely on Harry for everything."

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Harry Potter: The God of Ice and Fire at Hogwarts

Book&Literature · electronatom

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