Webnovel Author: DaoOfDao - Novel Collection



LV 4

Light Novel enthusiast Former name(ReehMHuss) Outspoken/I match energies Fanfiction Fanatic No Harem Sect Member

2018-11-12 Bergabung Global

Lencana 6

Moments 189

Replied to the_audacity

Sure, you can call me judgemental. But don’t you see how hypocritical that is? Don’t you see the irony in how you defend those hateful people? You labeled me judgemental because of what you’ve observed and analyzed in my comments. So what compels you into thinking that I was wrong(implied based on your defense/claim) and judgemental. When I’ve labeled them privileged, a narcissist, and people of hate which is also based on what I’ve observed and analyzed from their comments? So you’re telling me, that I’m judgemental, but you have decided to ignore the details from which I’ve formed my judgements from. Make it make sense. Privileged people condemns progressive movements because they see no benefits for themselves. Narcissists manipulates other people through the use of victim blaming and false equivalences. And hateful people are people who hates on others with unreasonable excuses. Yet you’ve decided that you would ignore all of those signs because “they have different experiences”. Did you even properly read their statements? Being a filipino, I expected more from you. Being a POC, you should know better. So sure, call me judgemental. Based on your comment, I’ve judged that you’re a pick me. If you aren’t a pick me, correct me then. (your words) P.S. not every opinion is correct. DifferIng opinion allows you to speak it out loud. That doesn’t protect you from counter-arguments, criticism, and correcting.

Replied to CristiaN

Very interesting indeed. Way to stray off the subject. I never said you can’t have a different opinion. I said you can’t use your differing opinion to invalidate and hate on other’s opinions. Did you not read my response? Ooooh 🥺 is it because the little guy is mad that someone pointed out what they actually are and stand for? Also, not everywhere is a democracy. Try again little guy. A+ for effort!! Anyways, since you found it difficult to understand, I’ll summarize. ⭐️ Again, I said that you can’t use your opinions to invalidate and hate on other people’s opinion. Second, justifying hate and making excuses for it, shows that you alsodo these types of hate. Thirdly, I said that you need some self-awareness. Because no matter how you paint yourself as the “good guy/middle man”, your bigotry is still noticeable. ⭐️ let’s see if these stars would allow you to read and actually comprehend my statements. Finally, is it me who likes talking? Or is it you who don’t listen/read? I even did it in your favorite webnovel format. Don’t you love reading them as a form of escapism? Haha Nice try, trying to take away the focus from yourself. Typical move from a gaslighter. I’ve met too many of you in this thread already that I became an expert in identitify fake “good guys” such as yourself. Your tactics only work on the ignorant and malleable. Try again little guy. P.S. Let me teach you how to recognize insults. Calling you out as a bigot and a hypocrite is not an insult. Because it’s the truth. Though me calling you “little guy” is. Which is valid since you didn’t or chose not to comprehend what I said. Which made me infer that you’re a kid who feels targetted and need comforting. Good night to you.

Replied to Bruno_Corre

Wow. You’ve really been molded as the “model citizen”. You’ve lost your individuality and your capability to think critically. What happened to your brother that was put in jail, and raped, and now having a hard time finding jobs? Now that story sounds really fake to me. Because you don’t want change. You just want to silence other people. This is why there’s no such thing as equal rights. It’s because of people like you. Telling other people’s experience just to invalidate others’. Seems to me that you have the privileged mindset. It seems that it passed through your head that there are also politicians being elected who are selfish and don’t support basic human rights. And you say that that is not harmful? Your trust in the government is baffling, when you’ve just shared your “brother’s experience”. The cognitive dissonance. You’re quite pitiful. And pathetic. I hope that you get out of your brainwashing. It’s not worth exchanging ideas with someone like you. Because you claim one thing yet your true sentiments contradict it. You’re already having a debate with yourself and you are ignorant of it. Really quite pitiful. You’ve broadened my view. For myself to discover an example of a brainwashed individual is quite enlightning. I guess I should thank you for being an example of what I shouldn’t become to be a human with basic decency and intelligence. Good bye. If your mindset doesn’t change, you will not only be harmful to yourself but to other people. You only have yourself to blame then. Making your contradicting preaches turn useless.

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