Destiny_Demented - Profile



LV 1

Just a lost chicken tryna find me way around.

2020-08-15 Bergabung India

Lencana 7

Moments 72

Replied to Raksha1

Yes huhu 🤭🤭🤭

Last time she had attended the Baekjung festival, she was nine years old, barely old enough to know what was going on around her. This time though, she could fully appreciate the effort that went into preparing for such an important day.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


If I were to be faced with a blade, twould be hot ngl. SHSJJSSJ, Jokes aside. GIRL'S IN A SOUP OH NO

With a gasp of horror Yoon-Yi realized she was now face to face with the tip of a long sword. Its blade looked sharp enough to cut through bone and she involuntarily shuddered.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1



Shaking violently and scared out of her wits, Yoon-Yi clenched her hands into fists. That is when she realized she was still holding the thing she picked up from the river. Raising her hand, she gaped at the object in her hand. A beautiful silvery hairpin was glittering in her palm, reflecting the moonlight in different shades of white and silver. A delicate red flower was fitted at one of its ends, while the other end looked sharp enough to stab someone to death.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


*bonks the river* How dare you not like her, rude river!

Yoon-Yi felt her lungs starting to burn with the need for air, her thoughts were becoming hazy and she was just about to lose consciousness when suddenly cold, blissful air hit her face like a slap. She gasped and coughed, splashing through the water. She gulped the air hungrily before attempting to swim towards the riverside. With a strong lurch, a wave pushed her out, as if the river itself was expulsing her.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


*Throws glitter* Can I just say that your choice of words brings the story to life in such a way, that it's not just Yoon-Yi enjoying the festival, the reader is pulled in as well ? It's perfection.


Deciding to check out the stalls first, Yoon-Yi crossed the bridge and stopped in front of a middle-aged woman selling hair ornaments, ribbons, and jewelry. They sparkled and glittered in different colors, making it impossible to choose one. Eventually, Yoon-Yi settled for a simple hair ornament in the shape of a red flower. Paying the seller, she moved on towards the next stall. From there she chose a beautiful pink lotus-shaped paper lantern and decided to head towards the river bank.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


TwT As a fashion freak, I cannot fathom how gorgeous that looks............... Yoon-Yi gonna look like the queen she is in thattt


The skirt was light pink and it complimented the white ribbon of the blouse. It was the most beautiful traditional dress Yoon-Yi had ever seen, at least in real life. She wasn't counting the hundreds of dresses she had seen in pictures or dramas.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


AHAHAHAHAHAHA XD The height of loving history. Calculating the experience and age by wars. Girl, you on fire.


"Uhm, thank you." She said in an uncertain tone, gazing down at the tattered object. "But what am I supposed to do with this old looking chest, grandfather? It looks like it has seen quite a few wars." She finished with a grimace.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


Catsssssss, We love her catsssssss. Meow


The only thing that riled her up was the fact that she was expected to dress up for the occasion. When she came to breakfast that morning she was wearing a pair of tattered jeans and a large white t-shirt with a grey cat on the chest. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and she was wearing a wide smile. That is, until she saw her mother staring at her in shock.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1

Replied to FantasyBliss30

OML YESSSSS, Durga Puja is like X) Chaossssssss. Every festival is kinda chaotic at times XD

The entire household had been in an uproar the day before, from the cooks to the maids, preparing dishes and cleaning every inch of the house. Not even the courtyard or the pond escaped untouched. The gravel had been renewed and the surface of the pond was completely free of leaves, making the water look like a big, strange shaped mirror.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


BEBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. *Anticipatory dance* Baekjung Festival go brrrrrr

Last time she had attended the Baekjung festival, she was nine years old, barely old enough to know what was going on around her. This time though, she could fully appreciate the effort that went into preparing for such an important day.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


Yoon-Yi deserves the title of the protagonist. A queen in her own right, We worship her. Pink cat-patterned pyjamas, She's a goddess,


Indeed, she looked far from being all grown up, that is, if her pink, cat-patterned pajamas were any indication. Also, her hair was loose and ruffled like a typhoon came and swept it in every possible direction.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1

Replied to Raksha1

TwT Thank you, Cap.

That, and the fact that she didn't know what career path to pursue, made things even more worrisome.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


Grampa Kim, You're an absolute king. XD


"It will make her stronger, knowing these things. No harm comes from history, my dear, only from the future." He would say, before moving on to another story about betrayal and treason.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


...... Why is she so, so so-similar-we-could-be-twins like me? *Whispers* Captain, you just put me down in words.

She had long hair, the color of molten dark chocolate and eyes to match. Though not outright beautiful, she had a good figure, maintained mainly by the fact that she was not very fond of sweets in general.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


IS SHE WRONG THOUGH?????? Heels are the Devil's way of causing scoliosis.

To put it mildly, she was a tomboy. Always preferring to run around in pants and large t-shirts, Yoon-Yi hated dresses and skirts with a passion. She also avoided high-heel shoes like they were some kind of a demonic torture device.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1


This is me. In every situation. No questions asked, this is moi. *theatrical flop*

"Hey! I am not brooding." Yoon-Yi said indignantly. "I am merely…" she stopped for a second to search for a better word. "Melancholic." She finished, waving a hand theatrically.

Butterflies and Pins

Butterflies and Pins

History · Raksha1

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