Webnovel Author: Yvette_Celia - Novel Collection



LV 10

Hi, I'm Celia. I love to write. Enjoy my work. Please join my discord server: https://discord.gg/VefXcnpYR4 and my instagram: yvettecelia

2021-06-17 Bergabung Indonesia

Lencana 5

Moments 459


that what i currious sbout

Elaine was alone in her quarters for half a day now. Though she haven't eaten anything, she didn't even feel like eating. Instead, her mind was occupied by what she encountered in the forest.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


you know what, its so calming to see them together

"I thought that you've changed but you're still reckless, Elaine," the King calmly pointed out as he treated the wound. "You still get yourself injured all the time."

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


what happend when you're hunting?

Much to the surprise of the King and the Vice-Captain, Elaine's appearance was a mess. Dirt covered many parts of her clothes and for Arias Astaze, what he first noticed was how Elaine had several wounds on her body. Though most of the wounds didn't seem to be serious, they still bothered him.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


just where is she? did something happened?

Once he see off all the guests, King Arias returned to his chamber and go through the scrolls that will be needed for the daily court meeting. Still, he found it hard to concentrate. It's almost time for breakfast but... no Elaine.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


now... elaine is missing

Elaine was supposed to accompany him but... she was nowhere to be seen. The royal guards said that their Captain wasn't in her quarters or the palace.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


good luck

That won't please his General at all.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


hahaha cute

'Though you don't need any protection.' This sentence crossed the shadow guard's mind but he didn't dare to add. He was sure that Captain Elaine was even more skilled than he was and that she was capable of protecting herself. It's just that... his General refused to admit this. The perfect General always overthink whenever it came to his younger cousin.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys



The young man was one of the best shadow guards trained by her uncle's son, General Cayden Avary. He was assigned by her cousin to protect her and follow her orders.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


ohhh i see

Elaine suddenly opened her eyes, tears rolling down at the side of her face. She was asleep for only a few hours but... she started having nightmares again.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


oh my

Just before the sword could strike the father, a hand covered her eyes, stopping her from witnessing her father's brutal death.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


what happened?

A little girl was kneeling on the cold floor, weeping and begging for something. A figure that wasn't much bigger than hers hugged her, trying to stop her from witnessing the brutal torture that one man was currently suffering.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


thats right... well, ithought they'll have a 'date' night

It's already past midnight and she might already be sleeping. He knew how tiring the day was for her. As such, he only stood still for a few more seconds before he reluctantly retreated to his chamber.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


something cute is about to happen

After he was sure that his sister was now sound asleep, King Arias walked out of the Princess's chamber. He quietly made his way to his chamber but... he changed his mind when what his sister said crossed his mind. Then he turned around and went in the direction of the guards' quarters. To be exact, the Captain's quarters.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


thats good

The Princess nodded despite feeling bothered by her brother's lifeless and dull expression. Besides, he appeared so tired. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep. Though it wasn't easy, she eventually fell asleep after almost half an hour.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


i hope you get well soon

Yelling, throwing and destroying things, hurting herself; these were the common ones.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys



King Arias's gaze was lowered when he heard his sister. Though he knew that Mira often had a breakdown due to depression, she never went that far.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys



His sister had hurt herself, again.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys


not sure but its relief you come

A deep yet authoritative voice came from the direction of the door, snapping both Princess Mira and Elaine back to reality. King Arias was standing at the door and when his gaze fell upon his sister, he didn't fail to notice the blood on her palms.

The Legend of Elaine

The Legend of Elaine

History · Pearys

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