
batman Fanfiction

  • The Merc with a Mouth in DC (Rewriting) Batman Fanfic

    The Merc with a Mouth in DC (Rewriting)

    by FanfictionLover2
    4.64 (60 ratings)

    batman exploded above. "Territotial advantage I see". Deadpool commented as he observed the surroundings, trying to sense Batman's presence. *Pwoooh* The sound of the grappler gun echoed through th

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    by VenerableCrow
    4.59 (63 ratings)

    "How did you know?" Batman demanded in a grave tone while in his combat stance. "Oh? How did I know? You think I just hid from you heroes for 3 years because I was scared? Hehehe no Batman, I've been

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  • Path to Eternity Batman Fanfic

    Path to Eternity

    by AntiNoob
    4.39 (92 ratings)

    batman. Batman removed the binocular and stared back at the man. "Rick..." He murmured, reaching toward his utility belt. The man murmured something before his body started vibrating and purple

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  • Batman Batman Fanfic


    by AikoSaito
    (Not enough ratings)

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  • Batman - the Dark lord Batman Fanfic

    Batman - the Dark lord

    by TwisterGOD
    (Not enough ratings)

    batman from childhood but his biggest regret is batman never get meta power's. he hates batman vs superman movies just cuz batman has to do so much to fight with superman. intentionally get killed

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  • DOA Batman Fanfic


    by Rocky2002
    (Not enough ratings)

    Lyn, a poor artist-turned-archivist is swept into a life full of mystery, intrigue and danger when her world collides with the Caped Crusader. Batman(Bruce)/OC. Batman

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  • Batman: beyond Batman Fanfic

    Batman: beyond

    by Dark_Knights
    (Not enough ratings)

    Present day Gotham city, 08:05 EDT A guy walks towards an alley. "Sir, you just came to the wrong place." A figure says the figure roles the knife on his hand and walks towards the guy. T

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  • The Dark Knight PrevaiL Batman Fanfic

    The Dark Knight PrevaiL

    by waqas_muhammad
    (Not enough ratings)

    batman doesn't know about this secret place. Crawl initiate his plan for the Bat of Gotham by challenging the batman in three phases…. 1st Batman fails Hundreds will die. 2nd Batman falls Thosusa

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  • I am Superman Batman Fanfic

    I am Superman

    by Kalto
    (Not enough ratings)

    batman, a super hero with no powers but skilled in martial arts and got lots of gadgets although fans agree that his super powers were his untrusting personality, cunning mind and money… "Batman!" su

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  • Rise of a Splinter Cell (Rewritten) Batman Fanfic

    Rise of a Splinter Cell (Rewritten)

    by staycool1214
    (Not enough ratings)

    —Three Years Later— In Gotham City there was a group of criminals that were sitting in a circular table with chairs with their bodyguards behind them. "The hell you say?" One criminal said, "You did

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