
read high school novel

  • read high school

    High school

    by storycraze
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    A pair of twin sisters, Chen Xin Hui, the older twin, and Chen Xin Yu, the younger twin, were involved in a car accident and lost their parents. Due to the car accident, the Xin Yu lost her memories a

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  • read high school


    by sawyer3447
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  • read high school

    a series of dreams

    by goddeth
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    read. That is one of the things I do a lot and I'm not just saying that I really do read almost all day long. If I'm not reading I am probably watching some movie or anime series, yes you can probably

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  • read high school

    I'm Back Bitches

    by DTonye0
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    school twins of Daxton Noah Parker Youngers Twins Alexis left her hometown and family. she went to lived with her Uncle John and his family in England in london 3 years but now I'm back and I'm ba

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  • read high school

    Diary of a Teenage Alpha

    by katisnow
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    high school life would be. Now I know why there were so many stories and TV shows about high schoolers. Anyway, Monday started pretty blue, which would usually be my favorite color, except that I rea

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  • read high school

    The author's dream

    by Killerbee
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    school." "Watch out for cars. Be safe." Ren tightened his shoelaces as he left his room. It's been a few days since he had again started going to school but it always felt refreshing. 'Youth

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  • read high school

    Deletion Of Novel

    by Akazai
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    read by someone else." The girl said. The girl right beside Ace held an intelligent flair, she styled her hair with loose pigtails and wore a Da Vinci academy uniform indicating that she is at least

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  • read high school

    Sword Among Us

    by Black Swordsman Online
    4.16 (366 ratings)

    read the lines while noting some things down with his right hand. He never stopped, as if he had used some sort of hack. His written lines were neat but wild, and his words quickly covered the white s

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  • school examination results of the third-year junior high school students whom she had previously given tuition to were already announced. Suddenly, without prior warning, the loud sound of firecracke

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  • school I want to go to. " She could only choose three schools, so she decided to apply for the first, third, and eleventh high schools. Qian an put his hands together and looked a little confused. "T

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