
reddit no sleep novel

  • sleep.” she gently spoke as she watched crystal-like tears slip out of the eyes of her lover. A waterfall of melancholic tears cascaded down his face as he could see her slowly drifting away from

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  • reddit no sleep

    The Werewolf Beast God

    by Werewolf
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    reddit.com/user/WerewolfOfDarkness/ Discord: https://discord.gg/VmjaVx This is a story about a male named Zero who gets transformed into a Werewolf because of the apocalypse, with his intelligence.

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  • reddit no sleep

    My Weird Dreams

    by Inactiverightnow
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    no way long enough! And guess why he laughed. He laughed because of some Reddit memes! Reddit memes!!! He woke me up from the best dream ever because of some Reddit memes!!! I have never wanted to

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  • reddit no sleep

    Earth first hero

    by Anhangah
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    reddit on his computer and press f5 repeatedly. 5 minutes and nothing. If there are no people talking about it on Reddit it is because there are less than 100 people in the world with powers or becau

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  • reddit no sleep

    The Holy Meme Bible

    by Gyrr
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    no meme had yet sprung up; for Shrek had not caused it to rain on the earth. There was not a memer to till the ground, 6 but a mist went up from the earth, and watered the whole surface of the ground

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  • reddit no sleep

    out of element

    by andrer
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    sleep. He already tried to meet with Greta 2 days ago but it was unsuccessful. He felt like she tried to avoid him that made Andre feel contrite. He also decided not to take a job because of something

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  • reddit no sleep

    [Removed Copy]

    by Hayato_Shinohara
    4.95 (26 ratings)

    no worry, I've done my research. Lots of research. To simplify matters, the plan is to grow on English platforms such as Webnovel, Royal Road, Tapas, Moonquill and even Reddit if I'm lucky. If I at

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  • reddit no sleep

    Adonis's Journey

    by Mr_Zzack
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    sleep. He is pretty sleepy. Like clockwork he unlocks his phone and goes straight to Reddit, scrolling down the most popular posts for the day. Some of the posts are entertaining or educational, but A

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  • reddit no sleep

    Dreadful Mid Night

    by AntiNoob
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    sleep at night. You, humans, have no idea how many of you live because of the work I do."But what about Stalin? Hitler? Ted Bundy? Jack the Ripper?"Well, those are the minor ones I had to let live. Fo

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  • reddit no sleep

    The Art of Shitpost

    by KatSIap
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    reddit ones. I mean I'm a law abiding citizen. I haven't broken any laws. Except a couple of them. But none of them were serious. I think. I think therefor I am. But am I. Hi vsauce, Michael here. Whe

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