
star trek original series novel

  • star trek original series

    star trek: temporal war

    by Joshua_Farrow
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  • star trek original series

    Star Trek: Alternate

    by DarkDragon1254
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    The federation has fallen, humanity is scattered and in hiding, and the Klingons are the greatest military force in the alpha quadrant. Now, the only things living on earth are Klingons and enslaved h

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  • star trek original series

    Star Trek: Revelations

    by Empty_Brainzzz
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    The United Federation of Planets has sent out the USS Archer in search of the species known as the Xindi. With contact with the species unheard of since the time of Johnathan Archer, the Federation en

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  • star trek original series

    The Sith in Star Trek

    by ITGuy91
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    An unknown Sith from Star Wars Legends has appeared in the Star Trek Galaxy! Follow in the journey of Darth Diederick to see if the Dark side of the force can compete in Starfleet. Book cover pictur

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  • star trek original series

    I Have A Super USB Drive

    by Darkness Black Bear
    4.25 (413 ratings)

    series, it could still be recognized by the USB drive. Even if he had only put one portion of the series, it should still be accepted by the USB drive. Unless it was a TV show, the entire season had

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  • star trek original series


    by Heavena
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    original outcome) would be further chronicled. The Many-Worlds theory and the Copenhagen interpretation weren't the only competitors ­trying to explain the basic level of the universe. The quantum

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  • The citrus smell of Goo-gone was invading my brain; it smelled good in a sickly sweet way, but it was making me slightly nauseated. My fingers were sticky with adhesive from peeling yellow "New" sti

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  • star trek original series

    Heroes Reborn

    by WayneSteine
    4.2 (18 ratings)

    series. with his help, Kayaba was able to progress much faster than the canon regarding the «Underworld Project». . Professor Tetsuhiro Shigemura – teacher of Kayaba Akihiko in canon, the villain be

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  • A half hour later, Tirza opened her bedroom door and peeked her head out. "Hey!" she called. Severus glanced up from his desk, where he was hunched over piles of papers that needed grading. "You mad a

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  • star trek original series

    Ideas fo Crossover Stories

    by Keaton_Jenkinson
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    series can work together to bring peace to the final unexplored frontier known as space. Sort of inspired by the crossover film Galactic Battles. Ultimate Fight Tournament (Street Fighter, Mortal K

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