
werewolf sex novel

  • sex scenes. Alpha Vishous and his girlfriend Ava are werewolves living in a pack. To become the Luna of their pack, Ava has to complete some rituals that may leave her helpless and completely at the

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  • werewolf sex

    Big Bad Alpha Wants Me

    by AlmostPsycho
    4.85 (21 ratings)

    werewolf term, we call it Crowning. But that doesn't mean being an Alpha you can rule the pack or other packs. Only an Alpha with his mate can rule over his pack and can challenge other packs to subm

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  • werewolf sex

    Dominant's Rule (BL)

    by Mei_Xing_Profit1
    (Not enough ratings)

    sex .....nothing, and I do mean nothing compares to sleeping in class. Mr. Jamerson is the instructor of this class. He is young, maybe 26 years old. Some say that Mr. Jamerson is handsome. I was hopi

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  • werewolf sex

    A Modern Vampire Diary

    by Armyboy
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    sex with Satan on a regular basis and your just an angel born demon! Jimin: There you go pulling the damn Satan card, don't worry you may have Satan now but once we get to hell you'll see little ol

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  • werewolf sex

    Werewolf x Hybrid x Vampire

    by Enma_Eden
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    sex filled the room, assaulting her nose and senses. Adriel's thrusts burned all the way to the pit of Lileth's stomach and womb, the rhythm turning forceful and hard. The werewolf's jabbing thrust

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  • werewolf sex

    Romance Among Humans

    by DameButterfly
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    werewolf stories. Everything here will be explained throughout the story as well, but this will also give readers information prior to starting the story to know if they'll be interested in or not. So

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  • werewolf sex

    the boy's pet

    by Craig_Harms
    (Not enough ratings)

    sex but with who i know you that i try to stayed clam then he made into a large toy then he put me into the bed he fell asleep but he still had no idea that i was his slave then one day he stared p

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  • werewolf sex

    My Little Mate

    by Shivavi96
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    werewolf from different packs and make them sex slaves. When he investigating one of the Coven he found his mate Chloe Peterson. Looking at her condition he decided to take it slow with her and slowly

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  • werewolf sex

    Urban Vampire

    by Pepper Pace
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    werewolf's senses surpassed a vampire's, I didn't think it was possible that he had heard that one beat of my heart. He reached out and took my hand in his. I accepted it, curious at what he was abou

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  • werewolf sex

    A Wizard's Secret

    by Shadow on the Moon
    3.98 (687 ratings)

    sex appeal" but was later discovered. Through constant enticement, the "sex appeal" she had given up was not of much use. In a dangerous situation like this, Merlin was more likely to leave right away

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