male LV 15

Lazy binge reader and gamer

2017-07-19 Joined United Kingdom

Badges 19

Moments 707


Should have just ran way 😂

The question remained: who was more dangerous, Ceythie or these foreigners? Clearly, Corvac had made his choice... by ignoring Ceythie. His general's instincts were not to be underestimated.

The Oracle Paths

The Oracle Paths

Sci-fi · Arkinslize


Probably more true in this world than are own due to the fact you can accumulate great personal power through talent and hard work that allows you more freedom

"I am saying if this world became like ours, it would end up like it. You get born to go to school for 18 years then college for 4 or more years. After that, get a job, marry, have kids, and then die. They won't enjoy their life to the fullest. Here having a war every 10 to 15 years would make people enjoy their life more in peaceful times. Civilian or not, a war always influences people."

The Tale Of Kitsuna

The Tale Of Kitsuna

Fantasy · TheRealSkollie


Rwby ftw 🙌

"It is a phone but a different name," Zagan said, taking a thin glass object out of his pocket.

The Tale Of Kitsuna

The Tale Of Kitsuna

Fantasy · TheRealSkollie


Couldnt you just use your ice magic to put out the fire

"Aah, shit." Ripping the hoodie and my scarf of me, revealing my skin and the bandages around my chest. Luckily they were special bandages, so they didn't catch fire like my hoodie. Seeing my upper body, a lot of people gasp some whistled as well.

The Tale Of Kitsuna

The Tale Of Kitsuna

Fantasy · TheRealSkollie

Replied to Keht_Jelicho


"Aah, I see. Make sense. Who wants to be a monster?" Nodding my head.

The Tale Of Kitsuna

The Tale Of Kitsuna

Fantasy · TheRealSkollie


So she is actually 20 not 10

The way time worked on Earth was the same here. 60 sec = 1min. 60min = 1 hour. 24 hours = 1 day. Everything looked to be the same until i saw how long a year is. "720 day is 1 year!?" Stacy chuckled at my reaction.

The Tale Of Kitsuna

The Tale Of Kitsuna

Fantasy · TheRealSkollie


This snake reminds me of the one from the garden of Eden tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit

"I... don't know," she admitted. "I sincerely don't. Perhaps it's out of boredom. Seeing you kill the low-level players would be fun. Or, maybe I just want to see a different conclusion. So many of these attempts from your kind have gone the same way, it would be nice to get SOME variance. But, it doesn't matter, you know why?" She giggled, spinning in the air. "Because all that matters is that you produced a feeling in me. And, I took that feeling that was in my heart and I acted on it. That is all I, a human, or anyone else can do."

The Lone Healer

The Lone Healer

LGBT+ · Already_In_Use


Him being alive means the level is still high and everyone should be dead

Despite what he said, Neve kept the spell up. It was her futile way of trying to make up for her inactivity earlier. It was meaningless, but she hoped it would bring him some small comfort.

The Lone Healer

The Lone Healer

LGBT+ · Already_In_Use


I’ve decided the snake is the enemy

"Uh… Guess that answers our questions," Neve muttered.

The Lone Healer

The Lone Healer

LGBT+ · Already_In_Use


Just a healer?


"They won't listen to our level 1 asses," a guy told her. "It sucks that you're just a healer, but still. It has to be you."

The Lone Healer

The Lone Healer

LGBT+ · Already_In_Use


Dumb decision

"We should separate the highest level people here from the weakest. That way, if anyone gets any weird ideas, at least they'll have to fight other people their own size to act on them. What do you think about that?" He asked the crowd at large.

The Lone Healer

The Lone Healer

LGBT+ · Already_In_Use

Replied to Zefyr

No I kinda hope he is dead 😝

"You can disrespect me, but my friends are off limits. Those like you don't have a right to say anything about them. I'm truly curious why you're so confident, when it's clear that the last place was specifically prepared for you."

My Girlfriend is an Ice Dragon

My Girlfriend is an Ice Dragon

Fantasy · Zefyr

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