Webnovel Author: _Lightn1ngG0d_ - Novel Collection



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2018-04-18 Joined United States

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Kyoka raised an eyebrow. "You sure? That's six against one."

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

Anime & Comics · TSOKyoto



"I'm seriously amazed at how you're literally the definition of balance in such a twisted way." Lucky made fun of Ricky who simply took it with a sigh.

Marvel: Impregnantion System

Marvel: Impregnantion System

Anime & Comics · LaughingFiend



Ignoring his silent questions for the time being, Peter continued. "If my fears prove true, we need a fallback plan. There are too many children in the Jedi Temple to leave unprotected. We must be both prepared and vigilant."

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord


There's definitely one lol


I opened my laptop once more, adding a few final notes before bed. Tomorrow, I'd take a trip to the Support Course wing. See if there are any gems there.

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

My Hero Academia: Adaptation

Anime & Comics · TSOKyoto



Cortana x Jarvis? I saw a lot of people interested in this so I might do it

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


Just glad he said he was dodging their aim not their bullets. Don't think he's fast enough for that yet

These bullets may have been fast but my reaction was faster as I moved faster than their aim. Sometimes I slid, ducked, or jumped but whatever it was I was constantly dodging bullets reaching one man at a time piercing them through. Leaving a trail of death in my wake.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


Is this the fabled Talk-No-Jutsu ????

For a moment, it seemed like Minato's words were getting through. Kushina's chains began to retract slightly, and the fierce expression on her face softened just a bit. But then, surprisingly, it was Hiruzen who spoke up.

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Movies · AlienWarlord


Wounds on her wounds? You do that on purpose as an exaggeration or is that a typo?

Natasha gritted her teeth as she limped off the chair, her wounded leg barely supporting her weight. Blood oozed from the wounds on her wounds, but she paid no attention to the pain. Her focus was entirely on Dreykov, who now lay defenseless on the floor.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord



In the end, I/she wrote most of the joint project my/herself; Kaia spent the remainder of the class commiserating with Madison about being stuck with Miss Militia, and Greg's 'information' about Dragon seemed to be mainly half-baked theories about her powers, capabilities and general situation. Stuff which, I/she had no doubt, he had trawled off some of the more dubious threads in the PHO boards. Seriously, Dragon an AI? Who did he think he was kidding?

My Stash of completed fics

My Stash of completed fics

Anime & Comics · Shivam_031


Is he dumb? He's fighting the Titan of TIME

I catch his fist before it impacts my face and push him off with all that I can muster, pushing him a few feet back, giving me some breathing room. My body starts healing again, my shattered ribs and torn organs repairing themselves, however much slower than normal.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found


Pretty sure it's the River Lethe that wipes memories

After I finished working on my weapon I immediately started customizing the Underworld. I first created a reincarnation cycle since the only reason humans aren't extinct yet is because their soul is so simple, hence easy to be created naturally. Reincarnation is very important for a sentient species since the smarter/stronger the soul the harder it's to be created from the natural world, and since souls are trapped in the Underworld, none would be supplied leading to a weaker species and eventually souless babies, causing extinction if not fixed before it was too late. So I created a system for their reincarnation. First the souls would appear in the Underworld, then be pulled into river Styx to be cleansed of all memories or sin, and then be dropped back off into the mortal realm. Simple, I know, but with higher tier souls, it'll have to be more complicated but this is fine for now.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found

Replied to Illusiveone

Good movie

Chris looked at the title of the script in his hands; it read 12 Angry Men.

Redoing My Life (Modern Family)

Redoing My Life (Modern Family)

TV · Illusiveone

Replied to ALEX1402

was waiting for someone to say this lol

"Victor Zsasz," A deep voice was suddenly heard speaking with a low growl, "It is time for you to finally face the retributions for the crimes you have done till now." It informed as the voice seemed to come closer and closer. 

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

DC: I am Bruce Wayne

Anime & Comics · God_Doom


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Mei, Kyoka, and Kodai

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This is actually a skill? I thought he was getting it from the earring?

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So Martial Arts Mastery turned into this?

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