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A college student who enjoys reading novels

2018-04-22 Joined United States

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Marquess Popov seemed to have brightened up for a moment as he thought of something. "It seems that the Petrova family dogs need to be taught some manners. Men! Make these two kneel properly as they should!"

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · dancematdan



Facing a taller male opponent, she rolled under their high kick then launched her legs up to complete a waist grab with them and brought herself up to punch their face.

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · dancematdan


probably autistic as well, considering her inability to recognize social cues

She was a psychopath but she was also a libertarian and a paragon so she had a complex and conflicting personality which she herself recognised herself to have.

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · dancematdan



The short messy blonde haired and blue eyed girl looked around three to four years old but her body was thin due to the poorer meals she had to eat that were provided by the orphanage.

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · dancematdan



Kaido then went on to become an Emperor of the New World which was known as a big enough position that not many in the world could attain.

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · dancematdan



The place where she had grown up in was an orphanage in the Vodka Kingdom.

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Tanya the Evil in OP (One Piece Fanfic)

Anime & Comics · dancematdan

Replied to RexHarris

technically it is if we go by how much money is in the galactic republic's budget (quadrillions). It would be like Elon Musk buying a Big Mac meal, likely wouldn't notice under most circumstances. But the Main character's planet is more like say France or the UK trying to build a Navy from scratch. They could do it but the average citizen would notice.

"You are going to buy 15 Cumulus Class Corsairs Ships on Corellia and 150 Z-95 Headhunters for a total of 12 Million Credits. Meanwhile I will travel to Cato Neimodia and attempt to buy Munificent-class Star Frigate. I don't know if the trade federation will sell though." I said and after I finished both of them sat down.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

Replied to Odin_cross

only if you use the loosest terms. Einstein was not a member of the Manhattan project. he was rejected due to being German and a pacifist. The only thing he can really take credit for is informing the USA of the German development of the Atomic Bomb

In summary, while the MC has a very high Intelligence stat, it doesn't make him an omniscient genius who knows everything and can refer to himself as an expert in virtually any field just by memorizing the contents of a dissertation or textbook. This is especially true concerning things like combat as Intelligence has little effect on spatial awareness and reaction time. That comes from Dexterity. Intelligence 'is' a factor, but there is a reason Einstein wasn't known for his martial arts prowess or strategic brilliance...

BNHA: Singularity

BNHA: Singularity

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to hunter_K


"Yeah, stick with the Asians who love to kill themselves. So what happens now, do I get sent to hell for fighting back against a monster trying to kill me." 

Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

Percy Jackson: The Black Dragon Shadow King

Book&Literature · A_Real_Werewolf234



Shirou once again stood in the void but this time he found something different. The void was not dark like it once was. In the distant horizon, he saw changes, the horizon was not colourless anymore but rather a flickering orange.



Anime & Comics · Fickle_as_light



Shirou`s day went by as usual at the school. Coming home he crossed paths with a man dressed in black clothes with a silver cross hanging by his neck. The man was carrying a large parcel in his hand, which struck Shirou as extremely odd.



Anime & Comics · Fickle_as_light


and that's why you don't fight in random battles as a head of state smart one

And I closed my eyes. In the end, I would die by some insignificant missile. Without helping the trillions of people in the Galaxy, those who trusted me.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278



"Harry, you will be given 3 Billion Credits. You goal is to get an additional 40 Million Vraxti to work directly under me to produce Bacta. You have 1 year on you. You can choose how to approach. Forcefully inducting them, luring them in with cash. I don't care." I said. He simply nodded without standing up, not that I cared. Many might call me cruel but this is how the world is. Aliens are hated on, even those with extra ears or color. But these guys outright looked like insects. Not even other species considered them equal.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278


munifificent was from the banking clans... they didn't side with the federation yet

"You are going to buy 15 Cumulus Class Corsairs Ships on Corellia and 150 Z-95 Headhunters for a total of 12 Million Credits. Meanwhile I will travel to Cato Neimodia and attempt to buy Munificent-class Star Frigate. I don't know if the trade federation will sell though." I said and after I finished both of them sat down.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278

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