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Gamer, game designer, novel reader, manga reader, 100% neet

2018-11-11 Joined United Kingdom

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Replied to Exalted_Commoner

aimbot enough said

After a few seconds, five loud booms sounded in the sky. The 5 planes got blasted in mid-air by a revolver.

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


I wouldn't be surprised if he has a Dark Lord fetish as he was I love with Grindelwald and he doesn't want snakeboi to die but then again I have been reading a lot of Harry Potter fan fics

~So he knows that he made Horcruxes but still didn't tell anyone. I really don't like this 'for the greater good' concept. For God's sake, he's ready to let Harry die. He never tried to face the problem himself. In the time of Grindelwald, he used Newton Scamander and took all his glory at the end. The world doesn't give Newt credit but Dumbledore and now too, he's using Harry Potter. His track record seriously makes me doubt him.~ he pondered

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Grandpa Universe In Multiverse [COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


and the space wizards will be called Jedi and their wands will be called lightsabers

"You know, I will make a few recommendations to Hogwarts later, we are going to need lots of space wizards in the future, it's better to start teaching them," Magnus noted down.

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

Replied to Grandpa_Deadpool

GRA could also be translated as Great Railway of Africa

After that, he returned to Zimbabwe to get the signature of all African Nations for forming the African Union and approving the proposal for the GRA.

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


the high table is about to get a sober wake up call from Magnus

Ted nodded and turned the page of the file, "They are indeed a huge and old organisation, and they know about your background, but to them that makes you even more of a valuable target, because if they can kill you, they will be able to send a message of their superiority to all. They are called The High Table."

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


Magnus: he wants to marry his Potions instead

*Cough* Ragnar choked on food, "Mum, come on, I am abstaining from all things that corrupt a man. I have decided not to marry or love a woman."

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

Replied to Moltenblackbird

and he is doing it slowly and subtly, so they themselves want him to take over

The idea was hella revolutionary and this served his grand purpose. ~But, *sigh* I guess it's time I take over Hogwarts board of governors.~

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


and this is the route Moldyshorts went and look what happened to him

In his mind, he was the greatest wizard to ever exist in history. Sadly for him, his life was going to be one big pile of disappointment.

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


wobbly wobbly timey whimey

But even now, he was wondering how the heck these plates got swapped later with the non-poisonous one. Suddenly, an idea arose in his mind, ~Could it be that it was me in the first place who stopped the plates? But... then how did this loop even start? This does not make any sense.~

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


Magnus: The $ move out of the way for the majestic £ is the new Don of the planet

In Bhutan, Ted soon arrived as per the plan. Magnus told him about his plan. The United Kingdom was in Europe, Zimbabwe was in Africa, and now this. If Bhutan agrees, he will have influence over the world. well, America can be subdued as long as the United Kingdom makes more money and becomes successful. The United States only followed the superiority of the dollar, nothing else.

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

Replied to DaoistSleepyHead

more like Illuminati death confirmed

All 10 people sitting around the round table slapped the tabletop with a triangle and eye logo in response. The secret organisation had some of the world's wealthiest and most powerful people. These people never appear in any magazine or news, nobody knows about them, but they decide which country rises and which country falls, which country gets invaded by which power or when an economic recession should come.

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


After that it's free game, in other words run like he'll and don't stop running

However, Magnus was shocked by Madame Maxime. ~WHAT THE HELL DOES SHE MEAN BY "LET HIM EAT FIRST"? WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT?~

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


let's hope she didn't get spotted by giant spiders otherwise they might have went all western and try to laso her off her broom

He chuckled, "This dumbass was flying over the whole Forbidden Forest for the whole night looking for you, we just found her an hour ago, tired and dehydrated."

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

Replied to BLUEMAGE333


Lucius looked dreamy, his goal was coming very close now. ~Just one more day. I will avenge you, father. I will bring back honour to the Malfoy family.~

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal


use it on Moldyshorts then trap him in a unbreakable anti portkey and anti Teleportation jar then leave him in a sealed Vault alone to reflect on his bad actions

"AWESOME! Please make it. I am going to start a new company, which will be strictly about postal services, but it only sends large cargo instead of letters. I will buy some aeroplanes and print so much money it makes my assistant and accountant cry. I am ready to give you half of the shares. What do you say?" Magnus asked.

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon[COMPLETE]

Book&Literature · MisterImmortal

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