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2018-12-05 Joined Global

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How's Hari Friends with these ones again? He has a good heart compared to his obnoxious friends

  Hari was stunned for a moment. "I will certainly bless them. We're divorced and she didn't cheat on me."

Remarriage: His Billionaire Ex-wife

Remarriage: His Billionaire Ex-wife

General · H.D.Cynthia

Replied to Jeanne_Richard_0732

Possible her Husband topped it up. Wouldn't it be suspicious if same amount lands in her account same day her Mother-in-law lost hers?

Jeslyn was still with Valen when her phone beeped. She took it to see a message from her bank alerting her that a deposit of $500 billion was made into her account. Jeslyn blinked a few times. She didn't understand the message. She could have called it a scam but her bank doesn't make such mistakes.

Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom

Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom

Urban · Hassy_101


The sneak! 😂

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The Duke's Masked Wife

The Duke's Masked Wife

History · Violet_167

Replied to Violet_167

Yes. I certainly wouldn't mind theirs (Caleb & Sally) developing. It would be hilarious to see Sally/Caleb fall for each other after living in denial. 😂😂

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The Duke's Masked Wife

The Duke's Masked Wife

History · Violet_167


Well, I do hope you fall of your high horse and break a leg 🙄🙄🙄🙄

"So, about this party," Kate inquired as it would certainly make Lila jealous. She smiled to let Lila know without words that she was still on the throne. Lila might be getting married but Kate was securing a marquis as her husband. 

The Duke's Masked Wife

The Duke's Masked Wife

History · Violet_167


I knew it! Gabriel's Father was murdered!

The old man had started sniffing around when he noticed something he shouldn’t have, and that’s how he got dead. If the son was the same, it wouldn’t be too hard to take him out as well. No snot-nosed college kid is going to get the drop on me; I’m not nervous. “It’s late; let’s shelf this until tomorrow, then I want everyone working on this until we find out. We still have shit to do; the next shipment is due to go out soon; let’s get moving on that; I don’t want any more fuck-ups.”

The Gentleman Biker

The Gentleman Biker

Urban · Jordan Silver


Maybe, he's not her Father

Our home became a battlefield, and I found myself being the brunt of all of his anger whenever we were in the same space together. It was as if just the sight of me enraged him to the point where mom and I had to make up a schedule so that I was not in the same room as him at any given time.

The Gentleman Biker

The Gentleman Biker

Urban · Jordan Silver


Wouldn't be surprised he was killed for poking his nose into that kinda of trouble

It’s only after the funeral had been settled that I got to see the true size and scope of the operation he had going here, and some of the anger I’d felt towards him my whole life had started to dissipate bit by bit when I got the gist of what it was he was trying to do. Too bad someone he trusted had used his kindness for something much darker.

The Gentleman Biker

The Gentleman Biker

Urban · Jordan Silver


Like you would ask, ***hole! You can manhandle someone you say you love in any position imaginable to man and beast as you said, and you have face to ask nonsense. I so pity ladies drawn to this nonsense

“How do you feel baby, I wasn’t too rough was I?” I had to ask because now that the haze had cleared I was looking at her body or what I could see of it in the short silk robe and she looked like a wild animal had been at her.

My Little Farm Girl

My Little Farm Girl

General · Jordan Silver


The universe is most well off without selfish males like you who only think everything has to tilt in their favor alone. It's good you are but just a fiction in a fictitious book. 🙄

“Babe, I told you a little bit about my past with my ex, what makes you think that I’d put myself through that shit a second time? You have no reason to fear unless you plan on fucking around on me at which point you’ve already been warned of the consequences.”

Man Of Steel

Man Of Steel

Urban · Jordan Silver


Why women want to be with this kind of men, I don't get??? 🙄🙄🙄

I wasn't careful with her this time like I usually am. Instead, I fucked her the way I've always wanted to. I bit into the skin between her neck and shoulder as I held her hair tight and pounded into her, going deep. She begged me not to hurt her pussy anymore, but I didn't stop. I wanted her to feel pain, the same way she'd made me fucking bleed.

SEAL Team Connor and Logan

SEAL Team Connor and Logan

Urban · Jordan Silver


Put on *Ears* is wrong. Correct usage is *Put on AIRS*

Her family owns half of the fucking state, while Candy's ancestors were coal miners. That's another thing I like about my girl; she doesn't put on ears like some of the other fucks around here.

SEAL Team Connor and Logan

SEAL Team Connor and Logan

Urban · Jordan Silver


You didn't make false promises, you think? That makes your treating them like disposable right, huh? The Male Lead of this particular book is a warped case. Imagine having this kind of male species real life, the world is doomed. Men who go about carrying chips on their shoulders thinking they deserve to get better where they have not sowed right. Nonsense! 🙄🙄🙄

I've been in charge of shit long enough to know that women don't heed too well, especially when there was a younger and prettier model as part of the equation. I'd never given any woman false promises about anything that we'd shared, but I know that that didn't stop some of them from hoping.

Biker's Baby Girl

Biker's Baby Girl

Urban · Jordan Silver


I love the other books I've read so far but this particular Hero of this book sound like a complete Ass. His line of thoughts are completely warped. I mean like you go about sleeping a truck load of women whilst you hope that the one you need shouldn't be messed with. These are the kind of people/men I hope they get more than what they sowed real life. So disgraceful and annoying whining about what you don't deserve in anyway.

Especially since I'd bedded a few of them at some point or the other and had left it there, no strings. I was also aware that more than one of them was still holding out hope of getting that brass ring, and might see her as competition, when there really was none. She was it, she's always been the one, the only.

Biker's Baby Girl

Biker's Baby Girl

Urban · Jordan Silver


Girl, for all your home training, you're so daft!

I slowed down when I reached his house again and this time decided to park a few doors down. There were lights on in the house but no car in the driveway so maybe he lived there alone. I sat for a few minutes more giving serious thought to what I was about to do, but I had to know.

The Lyon's Cub Caitlin

The Lyon's Cub Caitlin

Urban · Jordan Silver

Replied to Elaina_Thomas_3338


It was hard not pounding my fists in their faces when they talked about how hot she was and what they'd like to do to her, with her; but I didn't want to give anything away, not yet, not until I'd made her mine. Then I'd stomp their asses into dust for talking shit.

The Lyon's Cub Caitlin

The Lyon's Cub Caitlin

Urban · Jordan Silver


For the love of me, why some ladies loves this kinda treatment, I don't get. 🙄🙄🙄 I guess the world has all shades of crazy habitants with extreme loosed nuts on the head 😤

She shook her head furiously as I brought the paddle down again and again, each time harder than the last. Her pale skin was already turning red. Oh this was gonna hurt for a while. Served her right.



Urban · Jordan Silver

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