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2019-02-05 Joined Global

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How does he know it's a blood essence? In the previous chapter you said the map didn't mention what the treasure was.

"I need to find this blood essence. Although I am not powerful enough to absorb it without any risks, I need to get powerful soon so I will take the risk."

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka

Replied to Kamitenbatsu

He was revered as a god, doesn't mean he actually was one. He was just a really powerful mage.

Usually no one can access their soul realm in this early stages of cultivation let alone practice inside it but Noah was someone who was once revered as a god in his previous world. 

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka


Elementless should be one word. If you write it as two it sounds like there is less of it instead of the absence of elements.

As the name suggests the element less fist focuses on Just physical moments without the use of any elemental Qi. A set of instructions and images appeared on the page and Noah immediately comprehended the technique in a few minutes.

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka



From the start she thought her name was enough to make that man give up the core and she will give him some rewards in return but now seeing the boy not only berated her but also defamed their set her eyes grew older.

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka

Replied to Drog_dealore

This is so cursed

Noah smiled seeing her reaction and continued the action. Noah may have found her beautiful but he was not the kind of man who would chase after every beautiful woman he sees. To him as long as he found the woman's personality nice and came to love her he would accept her even if she is an ugly mortal.

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka

Replied to Secrect

He was unconscious.

'I need to hurry and tell Mother about the poison; only she might have a cure'

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka

Replied to ChuggaSupreme

Can't really be a sugar mommy if they are the same age.

"Brother Tian, I will grow so strong that no one will come between us. Be safe and wait for me. I will definitely come back for you." 

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka

Replied to MacKenze_Kuntze

No he doesn't, the sentence is correct.

The elders were looking for talented individuals like the ones who were standing unfazed, these were the seeds with the potential for growth, and nurturing. 

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka

Replied to MacKenze_Kuntze

Well nobody suspects that he is the grandson of the patriarch so it worked.

Meanwhile, people around him thought that he was someone of low status from the Long family after taking a look at his robes, which only the people from the Long family could wear.

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka


Kinda ironic.

Before leaving, Long Tian's father had arranged his marriage with a girl of the Xiao family, the snotty girl he had always hated.

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka

Replied to ChuggaSupreme

He did, he asked for 6 and was denied.

"Three months and you won't need to send me any allowance." 

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka


You say this as if we know how Long Tian would have acted.

Under everyone's gaze, Noah stood tall and remained unfazed. He could have acted the way Long Tian used to but he never liked that kind of approach towards such people.

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka

Replied to Zenraito

Yes it was

The woman exuded a mature aura, which was only being amplified by her twin peaks that seemed to be trying to soar toward the sky, however, their struggles were held back by a great barrier called robes. 

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!

Eastern · Odayaka

Replied to Katanexy

You did say that Valentina was stronger than Vlad. Something about her being from cains line, which is more ancient than Vlads and thus more powerful. That's how you explained it. Also it just doesn't make sense for Vlad to be more powerful considering the uther disdain Valentina has shown him throughout the story so far.

Valentina is very strong; even the strongest wouldn't risk fighting her. Besides, she is very temperamental. In a one-on-one, she can defeat almost everyone, except Vlad Dracul Tapes and Alice Arcano, who can easily overpower her. Vlad because of his progenitor powers and Alice due to her anti-magic and sealing spells, something Valentina can't handle. Musashi and Sasaki can also rival Valentina, but only in martial arts. Both are grandmasters, so it's reasonable, but they don't use mana, only Aura. In a fight, they would lose because of this disadvantage.

My Blood Legacy: Reincarnated as a Vampire

My Blood Legacy: Reincarnated as a Vampire

Fantasy · Katanexy

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