Crystalwood - Profile



male LV 15

A farmer that enjoys reading and video games as pastimes.

2019-04-18 Joined Global

Badges 14

Moments 220


Four or three ???

Outside the game, Roukujou set down his water cup, commenting, "The match has started off intensely! Four players from both teams have already encountered each other. Pinky ran into the blue team's player who was descending the mountain, and Brownie laid in wait, with the enemy running right into her attack range. Both teams have had their first round of engagement, with no clear winner yet, as they are still in the stage of sizing up their opponents."

Rebirth: The Universe's Hidden Heiress

Rebirth: The Universe's Hidden Heiress

Sci-fi · Treein


His—>Her ?

Ayoi, relying on his sniper instincts, chose a nearby five-story building. The trio quickly moved towards the office building, whose main door was damaged, likely during people's escape and battles with insectoids.

Rebirth: The Universe's Hidden Heiress

Rebirth: The Universe's Hidden Heiress

Sci-fi · Treein


I read that as pickled 😆😅🥒

"When was this picked? How long has it been out of soil? Is it still viable?" He asked in a deep baritone that didn't match his frail body.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


he —>be

[Good work. It will take some effort to cut a road town the hill and across the other side, but we can do that easily enough with all of us. As long as that other bridge is as good as it looks, we should he home in time for lunch.]

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku



[So, you've awakened your powers] was the title of the book, and the cartoonish cover made it clear that it was aimed at children.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


now -> how

It was still intrigued by the drone though, and not protesting its relocation at all, despite now being many kilometres from home. Max briefly wondered if the animal actually understood that they were bringing it to them to study and not to harm, and that was why it wasn't protesting, but there wasn't any way to tell what the creature was thinking until he could get a lock on its thoughts.

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Sci-fi · Aoki_Aku



"If you can con one into doing it, feel free."

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Sci-fi · Aoki_Aku



"Be well and live long. I will see you again on the battlefield once this current mission is complete." Max agreed.

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Sci-fi · Aoki_Aku


Instead of [(none standard), (non-standard)] may have worrked better.

The Beast Hall is for none standard creatures that can be tamed and trained, domesticating something that wouldn't normally be domesticated. This is a rare building type and the necessary creature must be tamed and placed within the Beast Hall by the Town itself. Creatures within the Stables can spawn their own kind through natural means.

World Conquest Online

World Conquest Online

Fantasy · TheMightyPerez

Replied to JustS0me0neFrench

G force can be created by rapid changes in direction. While the G in G-force stands for Gravity; the term has been used to represent the force of pressure the body experiences in rapid movement activities while in any kind of vehicle.

Streaks of light continuously flew by. Nary a few landed true. I spun left and right, turned back and forth, my fighter was being pushed to the limits and so was my body. The G-forces were almost unbearable.

Star Wars VRMMO: Galactic Expedition

Star Wars VRMMO: Galactic Expedition

Games · N3wman


him -> her

"Oh, I like him, I can see why you became friends." Nergal laughed while reaching down to pat Lady Chen's head.

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Sci-fi · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Bastion9999

Perhaps harnessing the energy released from penetrating the other layers?

Max knew all those words but still had no idea what she was talking about beyond the most basic of concepts. 

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Sci-fi · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Aoki_Aku

Kettle Corn over Carmel Corn any day of the week. Perfectly salty and slightly sweet without gumming up your teeth.

There was a round of happy squealing as the researchers discovered the joys of human snacks for the first time and some confusion as to how the buttery, salty popcorn went with the sweet chocolate treats and the acidic tang of the soda. 

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Sci-fi · Aoki_Aku

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