Zyanid_Warfare - Profile



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2020-04-16 Joined United States

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Oh shid


While killing as many people as he could, Mike kept running and reached the castle in the center of the capital. This was where the city's lord, his wife and their little daughter lived.

Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? - Edit System

Kumo desu ga, Nani ka? - Edit System

Anime & Comics · ParodyGirl


Honestly I’d have just brought several boxes of BIC pens…

Hermione glanced up from her own work with her quill moving smoothly across the page. "It takes some getting used to," she admitted with a sympathetic smile. "But I practiced a lot with a quill in the months before coming to Hogwarts. I noticed that they always use quills in the wizarding world, so I wanted to be prepared."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


Will he do rituals like MC’s in some fics? Use the basilisk as material in a ritual to strengthen his body and shore up the weakness of feeble flesh as compared to mighty magic?

He slowly made his way toward the library, and Lucas's smirk deepened into a self-satisfied grin. The Marauder's Map was now safely in his possession, eliminating any potential vulnerabilities or prying eyes that could compromise his activities within the castle walls. Soon it will be time for me to go pay a visit to the Chamber of Secrets and deal with the Basilisk. My "Glow of the Depths" and "Thermal Currents of the Vast Sea" sensory spells will ensure I do not need to use my eyes to view the snake's deadly gaze, though I hope I do not need to fight it. If I could communicate with it, that would be the best case scenario. Either way, I require the venom to proceed with the next step in the Room of Requirement so I can deal with the Horcrux… I do wonder if the Chamber of Secrets still has any other secrets than just a Basilisk, or if they've already been taken away by the descendants of Slytherin or Voldemort himself. I'll have to see.

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


I just suddenly realized, what happened to the wand that Peter was supposed to be safekeeping? He had one of the deathly hallows didn’t he?… or am I misremembering

He neared the portrait hole and slowed his pace, every sense attuned to potential witnesses or eavesdroppers. The Fat Lady, clad in her pink silk dress, sat in her frame as she eyed the empty corridor with boredom. With a deft manipulation of the air around him, his voice emerged as a distorted murmur, "Caput Draconis."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


Arguably, there’s been several attempts at his life already, one of which is publicly known involving the deaths of his bodyguards

Once again, Dumbledore found himself taken aback by the boy's composure and self-assurance. He had seen grown wizards crumble under far less strain than Harry had endured in these past few days. And yet, here he sat, unshaken and resolute.

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


Oh!? Incredible! So this Lucius is a family man…

For his family. For his future. Lucius Malfoy would ensure the Dark Lord's destruction, no matter the cost.

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


They should have never told Fudge Such a high profile execution should be secret until after it’s done

Fudge puffed out his chest, looking immensely pleased with himself. "Yes, well, it's all thanks to the Unspeakables, really. They have this artifact, you see, called the Veil. Apparently, anything that goes through it never comes back."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


I desperately hope Narcissa gets a peaceful life with Draco after this, she deserves better, and Draco only really acts as he does because of his family… maybe he can get bettered like how Dudley is better

Narcissa bristled silently at the insult, a spark of anger flaring in her chest. Severus was a friend, the godfather to her son and a trusted ally. To question his devotion was to question the very foundation of their cause.

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


Damn, isn’t this the kind of stuff that’s supposed to happen in like… heck… the 6th year? The plot is accelerated big time… it’s making me wonder what this story will consist of if there’s no canon left…will it turn into a slice of life?

Narcissa's heart skipped a beat. Her mind flashed to Draco, her beloved son. He was nearly the same age as Potter, and already caught up in the machinations of their world. The thought of him being used as a pawn in their deadly game made her blood run cold.

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


I always question why people mock hufflepuff, hufflepuff has never produced a dark lord, they’re defenders, saviors, in trying times of darkness and misery they steel their hearts and march ahead to protect that which they care for They may not be as brave as a gryffindor, as cunning as a slytherin, or as smart as a ravenclaw, but they persevere and persist unending, they endure so others won’t have to Out of all of them Hufflepuff always seems like the most normal house, they’re the most down to earth and true

After a brief pause, allowing her comforting words to resonate, she continued. "I get it, what you've seen tonight was unsettling," she acknowledged. "However, giving into fear and rumors will only amplify our worries. Us Hufflepuffs? We're celebrated for our dedication, our perseverance, and our strong hearts. Now, more than ever, is the time to come together and lift each other up."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


If you waited a few days the students would have begun to dislike him and find him odd because of his stench and teaching, then when he’s gone they wouldn’t care as much as long as his execution isn’t made wholly public

Disbelief was clear in Wayne Hopkins' voice as he shook his head, the tall, thin boy with sandy hair struggling to accept what had happened. "I didn't even know that professor's name," he said with a crack in his voice. "And now he's dead, just like that. Burned alive right in front of us."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


Thinking about it I wonder if MC read the school books ahead of time, and if so how far ahead he is Is he already well versed in first year potions? Perhaps even up to fourth year?

The prefect grimaced slightly as her nose wrinkled. "Professor Snape can be...difficult," she admitted, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Especially if you're not in Slytherin. But as long as you follow instructions and don't cause trouble, you should be fine."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


Neville would fit in really well with hufflepuf, it could also help boost his confidence with how generally friendly hufflepuff is known to be

"You're absolutely right, Neville," she said, sounding more like her usual self. "No sense fretting over the houses until we actually get sorted."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


But she’s a squib

"I'll take it from here," he said, offering them a polite smile. "Non-magical people can't pass through the barrier anyway. But thank you for driving me."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


I wonder if it’s possible to take his engineering knowledge To learn without learning

Images and information flooded into Lucas's mind as he delved deeper into the driver's psyche. The man's name was David Wilson, born and raised in Boston. A graduate of MIT with a degree in Electrical Engineering, David had joined the Navy after college, drawn to the promise of serving his country and working in Naval Intelligence.

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius


Aww, even though he’s turning into a plum he’s being nice still for Harry He’s probably frustrated about Hogwarts taking him suddenly, maybe even mad at dumbledore

Vernon's face had turned an alarming shade of purple with his fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles were white. "I don't like it," he ground out through gritted teeth. "But I suppose if you have to go, you have to go."

Vast Sea Visualization

Vast Sea Visualization

Book&Literature · Evoxius

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