Joe_M_33081 - Profile


male LV 15

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2020-06-21 Joined United States

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Moments 14


Didnt he have him set it to 4x since he was at 2x when they started?

Chu Yunfan first adjusted the gravity of his weighted suit to 2.5 times and then adjusted the weight of the Ju Que to the maximum. At this point, he felt a suffocating feeling overcome him. It was as if every cell in his body was being torn apart. Under such circumstances, every breath he took was laborious.

I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Eastern · Fu Xiao Chen


really wish author would pay attention to his own book and learn the stages like the readers

This youth was commanding the monsters to surround and attack Tang Siyu. After not seeing her for some time, Tang Siyu had stepped into the Innate Stage. However, these monsters were in the Innate Stage. Under the attack of these Innate Stage monsters, Tang Siyu was growing extremely tired. To ensure the safety of the children behind her, she endured great pressure alone.

I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

I Have the Alchemy Emperor in My Head

Eastern · Fu Xiao Chen

Replied to Cloud_Bat_X27


Usually, Mo Fan would definitely smell the fragrance from Xinxia’s body, and take advantage of her waist or something. But Mo Fan didn’t dare to let his imagination roam at this moment, as he sensed a large group of Magical Beasts in the vicinity.

Versatile Mage

Versatile Mage

Fantasy · Chaos (Fish's Sky)


anyone else remember the name Destiny's Child from the Germinal Organization when he freed Aurora

Oathkeeper nodded and said with a tone that was a little grave but had some anticipation in it, "Due to the information state disturbance Destiny's Child talked about, the promised day has been brought forward. After we acquire the Holy Light Particle, we'll prepare to activate the Third Sanctum and the awakening ceremony. Thousand Shadows' Esper Ability is the foundation of the fusion. We have no time to wait for him to completely transform, so we'll have to start finishing it."

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia

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