Demelios - Profile



male LV 14

I'm a boy, I like reading and cute things.🐻🐰🐻

2020-07-01 Joined Canada

Badges 18

Moments 3064




The red slowly receded from his eyes and he coughed heavily, waves of pain hitting his body, especially from his right hand. Looking at it shakily, he had completely lost one nail, and two others were split right in the middle. It might have been even better if he lost them completely.

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec

Replied to ImJustQ

If Sylas was picked up and dropped into the era before the Sixth Extinction event, looking at him, it would be difficult to tell if he was Eastern European, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, or maybe even a mixed-race descendent of some sort. 

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec



"Well for a twelve year old it is," I nodded, and Hestia snapped her neck at me, and grabbed me by the neck, "Ehm… sorry?" When in doubt say sorry… especially if the person holding you can vaporize you.

Percy Jackson: The God of Magic

Percy Jackson: The God of Magic

Book&Literature · CORNBRINGER



Fortunately, they were only a couple hundred meters away from the teleportation point. Veronica had caused the Legionaries to scatter, allowing the rest of the group to pick them off... Dogmeat was currently tearing a man's throat out, while Boone and Anja eliminated as many Legionaries as efficiently as possible.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross



Afton throws his arms up in exasperation, "Youknow what? I don't care anymore. I'm just going to march over to Mobius and kill him, if he obvious traps don't kill me first."

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross


it was "i" Dio!

After Dr Hildern left Afton had tried to leave his bed, only to be glared at by both his companions. Apparently they wanted to him to rest for a day or two to prevent another bout of 'Bleeding' from occurring. Obviously he couldn't just tell them what i actually was so he'd reluctantly agreed, no point in completely ignoring them for something so trivial.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross


bro s gonna wake up on a clean matress 😆 😆 😆

Karl just grumbles in response as the group books some rooms from the owner James Garret. Afton slumps onto the rather dirty mattress and glances over to the radio that was currently playing some song called 'Big Iron', at least that Happy Trails Caravan broadcast had ended. He'd almost just said fuck it and taken the group to join the expedition to earn some caps, he decided against it when Karl warned him that New Canaan wasn't a place you could just enter without putting your life on the line.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross

Replied to Trace7187

he shpuld at least had read the back of the dvd case no?

[Checkered Mate : Assist the courier and find the man who shot her.]

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross

Replied to Scorp_Claw


"Eyes up here virgin." she spits, causing Karl to immediately start cackling. Afton sends him a dirty look before glancing at the sniper, "You need something?"

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross



Emil shakes his head, "No. We lack the men to storm the prison they've made their home, the north road is cut off due to Deathclaws so getting reinforcements is difficult, not to mention more Powder Gangers have taken up residence in a nearby Vault... I doubt we'll be completing this assignment anytime soon sir." he says with exasperation.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross

Replied to levi_Hodgin

ahhhh explai why it didnt explode

Afton was lead into the man's office where he was already sat down, the fact he was wearing his Power armour made it look like the chair was a small stool, but he managed to keep himself from chuckling at the sight.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross


waste of food

Afton knew this was coming and so leant back to avoid it, the punch ended up hitting Miles instead, angering him. He grabbed his tray and flung his bowl of stew at Steve's face, the hot liquid splashing over his face and causing him to shout in pain.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross

Replied to Police30k

no sentinels are like. Medals its like a reqard for your deed giving you mostly just more freedom. you cant simply be promoted as a sentinel.

Top of the hierarchy is the Elder, the absolute leader of the chapter. Of course there were higher ranked Elders back in California but they didn't even have a way to contact them so their influence was negligible.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross



"Anyway, all of you who don't want to attempt any of the advanced tests can go clean yourselves up and do whatever else you want, the test if over you for... For everyone else you should follow me." he gestures towards them as he begins walking towards the ladder that leads into the underground again.

Steel Waste

Steel Waste

Video Games · Niggross

Replied to Cafemcdonald451


"Should we reprimand the two first years and confiscate the contraband program now, or wait to see what they do with it?" The digital security officer asks Colonel Black after his weekly audit of the students network access, impressed the Cadets managed to get through his security and gain access to the program at all.

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Sci-fi · Aoki_Aku

Replied to FatHitler

but he never said he was gonna pay him

"Tch, I don't need your money to fix my mech. I can easily cover the cost once I send my dad to the abandoned base. No, I want you to personally build a mech for me. I can wait for it, but you better deliver. Don't forget who saved your billion col ship."

The Mech Touch

The Mech Touch

Sci-fi · Exlor

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