ddsyren - Profile



female LV 15
2020-08-27 Joined United States

Badges 42

Moments 10685


So would she be willing to share a room to save her neck literally

"But this gives you all the more reason to stay by my side. If the ghoul shows up, I'll be right there to send it back to dust."

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Seems like Hadeons penchant for drama is rubbing off on Mallory 😂

"It's easy for you to say," Mallory muttered, a hint of bitterness in her voice. "There's no reaper chasing after you. Maybe I should start picking out my coffin."

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


And he’s still in denial that he can fall in love

"Tell me, and I'll believe you. Try me," he replied, irritation lingering in his tone. The annoyance he felt at the sight of her mark hadn't dissipated. It gnawed at him that someone had dared to touch her in such a way. 

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Cus she did maybe 🤔

"Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" Hadeon teased, closing the door behind him and walking towards her with a playful smirk on his lips.

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


She knew she was just a blood donor and expected more. No need to be rude to Mallory

Lady Rose continued, "Long ago, Hadeon was captivated by Reagan's blood and took her everywhere. It's not that he lacked other sources before her. In fact, some even suspected that she had changed him. But when she turned into a vampire, she lost her appeal to him since he only kept her around for her blood. I suspect that's why she remains bitter and likely sees you as his next blood donor."

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Mal very soon will change that


A small chuckle escaped Lady Rose's lips, amused by Mallory's suggestion. "When the devil created him and the rest of us," she said, "he ensured that none of us could alter our true nature—least of all, Hadeon. Love is not something Hadeon does."

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Yup she’s on first name basis now.

Hadeon. Lady Rose smiled. "I see. Hadeon used to frequently attend these balls and soirees, but then he stopped, almost as if he had lost all interest. That was also when he decided to take his extended nap. It looks like it is going to be a wonderful, yet interesting gathering, isn't it?"

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Hadeon never chooses wrong


The woman beside her scoffed loudly, "I honestly expected him to pick better, but clearly, his taste has taken a nosedive." This dark-blonde woman, with her bold red lips and piercing red eyes, looked at Mallory. 

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


When Mal finds out what it’s for she’ll be so embarrassed 😂


Mallory examined the beige and blue design of the dress before her fingers brushed against something else. With a curious tug, she pulled out a delicate and almost frail nightgown made of white fabric, which had lace tied on the shoulders and lace on the front instead of any hooks or buttons.

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


If he really is Damien’s ancestor it would explain Damien so so much 🤭


"They are indeed ours. It would be quite improper to wear the same clothes every day, especially with our impending visit to the royal castle," Hadeon replied, stepping into the room and casually dropping his coat onto the stand.

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


And that was not a joke


"Don't worry, I will save you some space in my bed," Hadeon remarked, a sly grin playing on his lips as his eyes twinkled with playful mischief.

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


That’s a smart guy!

"Actually, what I meant to say was that you don't need to worry about it. I've got it covered now," the assistant said, waving his hand dismissively. Despite the earlier man's smile, it had seemed both eerie and threatening. Besides, he had just learned that the vampire was a lord and he didn't want to get into trouble. 

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


From doll to princess. Oh Hadeon is really putting that flirt on


"It is done, princess," he murmured as he finished the last button. "It wasn't so hard, was it?"

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Are u talking about yourself Hadeon


"Are you afraid that I might kiss you again?" he asked, his words laced with a taunt that didn't escape Mallory. "Or is it something else you're scared of? That you might actually enjoy it… maybe even crave it? I wouldn't blame you—kisses do have a way of becoming addictive." 

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17



"I assure you, humour is the furthest thing from my mind right now," Hadeon replied, his voice calm but intense. "I can see you're having trouble. If you prefer, I can button it from where I'm standing. You won't even need to turn around," he said, his gaze shifting to the mirror behind her. Her cheeks flushed with heat.

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


He put on his seductive voice


"Seems like you could use a little help with those buttons," he said, his voice low and an intimate murmur and it was enough for Mallory's composure to slip. 

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17


This is me drinking water while reading this


Hadeon's gaze was unwavering as it took in every detail of her form, lingering on the tousled strands of her blonde hair and the way the blue gown highlighted her eyes. His eyes fell on her parted lips that waited for him to speak.

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Beauty and the Immortal: It started with a dig

Fantasy · ash_knight17

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