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male LV 15
2020-09-13 Joined Canada

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Moments 3462


didn't save any for the two disciples? greedy 馃槅

Rean didn't have any objections and took the Iridescent Tears out. Right after, the twins shared the vial equally and gulped the entire content in a moment.聽

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


not really. A whole swack of evolution is due to mate selection/sexual reasons. especially in the flashy males of some species

That made sense in Rean's head. Evolution is pretty much always due to environmental reasons, after all. Even back on Earth, where there was no such thing as Spiritual or Divine Energy, species still evolved due to these reasons.

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


Luan is going to need one too

'No problem at all.' That was a low price if Rean could get even more Iridescent Tears. Sure, he didn't need more than two drops, but they would be great trading items due to their value.

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


They're most likely asexual, but that's not to say they couldn't be hermaphroditic, if they need to merge with another to reproduce they'd technically fall into that category

'Idiot,' Roan called his attention. 'Hermaphrodites are species that can take on either role to reproduce. These guys are obviously not born from reproduction like us humans, so calling them hermaphrodites is wrong.'

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan

Replied to Yuri_san

it's a native American legend about how their creator made the earth. im from Canada 馃嚚馃嚘 馃檪

Rean agreed with Luan, saying, "That's for sure. But don't you think it's funny? It's like the story of Turtle Island in Canada. We might very well be living on the back of this supposed creature."

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan

Replied to Varyag

how precisely precise

Zangron just so happened to be another reincarnation among the beings back in Sunkan Planet. Unlike Havek, he wanted to travel around the Realm of Gods to see if he could find more members from Sunkan Planet. Well, he specifically wanted to find his family, to be specific.聽

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


I'm stealing "As expected ofnmysepf, a flawless job" 馃槅

Havek nodded. "As expected of myself, a flawless job. This antenna should repeat the signal to a distance several times further than the sect's main system. If everything has gone according to plan, the signal should be traveling several tens of thousands of kilometers now."

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan

Replied to Awybin

the others may as well give up as Roan sweeps the continent

"Let's continue. The participants and their subordinates are not allowed to go out and attack. There's no such thing as a continent ruled by just three beings. When regions go to war, they gather their entire strength for it. Train your recruits! Build your armies! Command them and conquer regions! Show my Rambram Sect that your own continent has disciples good enough to sweep out the field!"

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan



"Cocaine?" Rean muttered out of the blue.

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


he doesn't even operate that way, he'll just be happy for your success and worried about you being targeted

The lack of information on his return only fueled her determination. With only one month left until the mid-exam, Shinta resolved to intensify her training efforts. She knew that being part of the top 500, or even better, the top 100, would be the best proof of her talent and a reason for 'him' to regret not choosing her.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy 路 Avan

Replied to JDKW

not really. it could just as easily mean that his continent didn't do polygamy

Rean shook his head. 'If that's the case, then it is one more reason for you to forget it. We haven't known each other for that long, so your feelings shouldn't be that strong. I'll tell you right now. I won't marry anyone else. I do know that some harems exist in the Realm of Gods. However, where I came from, such a thing is out of the question.'

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


Sister Orb just wants to watch the world burn 馃槅

Falangia carefully grabbed Rafatia so that she wouldn't wake up and went to bed where Rean was sleeping. Sister Orb, obviously, saw everything happening outside. 'Hahaha! This is going to be fun.' Obviously, she didn't warn Rean at all. Why would she? She wanted to see everything go down in flames!

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


have they forgotten about the flowers?

Rean was obviously happy to hear that, responding, "As a matter of fact, we are indeed looking for something. Do you know where we can get information about the other continents surrounding Treavin? I heard this city would be one of the best places to inquire about such things."

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


if they hadn't let that guy go they could have got Hurio's lady a set of turtlenecks and found a turtle pool after the dragon pool

In the meantime, Hurio called for the twins' attention, telling the two, "You can discuss that stuff later. For now, how about we get the marks?"

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


must be a cousin of Calamari's

After that, Tiramisu looked at the formation masters in the room before asking, "Is the teleport formation ready? The participating countries should be waiting for us to open the danger zone already."

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


guy sounds like a squid 馃槙 馃榿

"If you say so..." The worker then turned around while saying, "I'll call Calamari over. He should be here in an hour at most as long as he's in the sect. If he left for a mission or something else, I'd tell the next guy on the list to come."

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


I'm just waiting for them to find out the materials are things like jaguar bones or dragon bones 馃槅

'Don't worry. I'll check every single manual available for me. It's just that I don't know if I'll have access to the top floors of the body cultivation technique repository. In the Divine Energy technique repository, I could only access four of the five floors there,' Roan mentioned.

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan


my grandfather had two boys, who each had two boys. I have two boys. my cousins has a boy and a girl. I understand the feeling lol

Nevertheless, it was obvious how these two doted on Cassia so much. Otherwise, why would Etherian care about her knowing a few stories of his past? That's because they had three children, and they were all men. Those men all married and had their own children, which turned out to be all men again. In the end, Cassia was the first and only woman in their lineage so far.

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan

Replied to JDKW

or she did die and Samanta killed her. Samanta was lying when she told the story

Fabio shook his head in response. "No, I gave those slots to you, thinking that none would enter the Sacred Land in the end. Never in my wildest dreams did I think five of you would pass it. It's quite unfortunate that Gulia died in the second test. Otherwise, she might have made it through as well."

Death... and me

Death... and me

Fantasy 路 Suiyan

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