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2020-10-02 Joined Philippines

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[Let us have a minute of silence, for the loss of an innocent soul.]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry

Replied to kana_noshihara

A pity self like right there oof...


Did his confidence take a hit, because someone learned the way he fights in such a short timeframe? Not in the slightest. He couldn't wait to challenge Yuna again to find out how she would fare against him with his own fighting style.

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]

Anime & Comics · Maerry

Replied to Death_Promise

Sus (ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ)

Yuuki was startled at her appearance, 'Well, she is small.' He knew the anime 'Assistant-san and Mangaka-san'. He knew the small editor was quite perverted and expressionless. She was also legal loli, but she was too small for him.

Start by Becoming a Mangaka

Start by Becoming a Mangaka

Anime & Comics · akikan40

Replied to Erae

I extremely feel you! ( ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ)

From this, she could conclude that he wanted her to remain an almost unreachable goal, something he could obtain, not something to be received. Though she should be happy with Vahn's decision, Scáthach felt a sudden 'emptiness' in her heart, even though she was certain there had been nothing there moments before...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Vahn and Merlin do have things in common I see.

While humming to himself, Merlin continued viewing the dreams of everyone else in the castle, his primary focus being those of Illya and Iris. They were curled up together within the Library, creating a scene that warmed Merlin's heart as he believed there was no greater expression of love than the moments shared between a mother and her children. Though his own mother had died giving birth to him, as she had been a simple human, Merlin felt a close bond with the woman as, during her pregnancy, she often spoke to him affectionately. He also spent a lot of time within her dreamscape and, though he had very little control over his power back then, she never once treated him like the monster others would view him as if they knew his true nature...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Thousands of identical beautiful Homunculus with cute and adorable companions each beside them? Avalon is becoming more and more of a paradise.

Understanding she was likely talking about Skoll, Vahn gave a small nod before consoling Anna and explaining the existence of the Companions. Most of the Homunculi were still back in the real world, as having them experience accelerated time was counter-intuitive, so only those who were preparing to receive treatment had been given the opportunity to see the rather adorable creatures. She wasn't the first Homunculi to mention encountering one and, as this seemed to 'awaken' something within them, Vahn had been intending to discuss the matter of mass-producing a few to accompany and monitor each of the developing Homunculi. This would be a good eay to stress test their capabilities before releasing them publically so he expected she would be more than willing.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to Nephilia

I think that peculiarity happens "after" this arc. I mean, how could he broadcast himself to the entire world making about the great change as he announces the apocalypse?

There were several ways in which this manifested, depending on the social status of the person receiving the news. For the students and Faculty who had observed him, Vahn had become a talking point in many circles, if for no other reason than his physical appearance and presence. Amongst some of the female students, there were images that had been recorded of Vahn circulating around while, from the perspective of most male students and staff, he was almost universally disliked.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Rereading: The affection system was already explained that it makes Vahn over reliant on it. His mistake over Loki's aura is what made of it. After several chapters of turning this off actually helped boost Vahn's intuitive and perception skills. If the Affection were turned on from the start, it could've not just made him become more detached to interacting normally with another, but from the standpoint of story making, makes this fanfic loses more opportunities for obstacle tensions.

When Vahn looked between Lev's hand and Lord Animusphere, he wasn't all that surprised by the fact that there were three strings. What did alert him was the fact that a green string ran from his thumb while a black string extended from his middle finger. According to what he had learned from Alaya, green on the thumb indicated strong feelings of resentment, envy, and disgust while a black string on the middle finger only had a single meaning...death. It didn't imply that one party wished the other would die; it meant that the originator of the string fully intended to kill the recipient. With that in mind, though he kept it turned off most of the time, Vahn activated his View Affection system function before nearly dropping his wine glass when he saw the auras around him...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to KatSIap

How come a simple comment about giving opinions to the difference in cold climate, comes about to the cultivations of absurdities!?

Vahn also returned a smile before looking at Kenshin and Scáthach, primarily addressing the former as he said, "I'll leave their protection to the two of you. Still, make sure you take care of yourselves as well. Germany is a lot colder than Japan and Ireland..." Though Scáthach was virtually immune to the cold, and would primarily be in spirit form the entire time, Vahn was mainly reminding them to dress properly. Illya and Iris were already wearing winter clothing, consisting of long white overcoats and fur caps, but Scáthach was still wearing her purple bodysuit while Kenshin a modified kimono that, while it was adorned with extra fabric and a fox-fur mantle, would stand out like a sore thumb among 'normal' people. However, considering her hair was anything but normal, Vahn knew it was ultimately pointless to try and get her to dress 'properly'. He was hoping that most people thought she was part of a drama or a famous actress they simply hadn't heard of...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


I like to imagine Skoll as a Fumo


Hearing Astolfo's complaint, Vahn issued a light chuckle while habitually stroking his head to calm him down. This caused Astolfo to rest his head on the countertop, his mouth wriggling in a strange manner as he enjoyed having his head pat. In response to this, Skoll began to totter over from where it had been seated before Siegfried, intercepting Vahn's hand as if all petting in the world belonged to it. Astolfo made a playful 'boo boo' sound but, as Skoll was not yet capable of complex thoughts, it just sat down in front of Vahn to receive head pats. Astolfo lifted his head with a dejected look, once again repeating, "It really ish borink aroun' here though...Vaaaaahn, let'sh go ecshplore the outshide worl~"

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to Nakakure

That's honestly an experience to imagine. We should research more of this

Though he would normally take the lead in these kinds of situations, Vahn knew the relationship between him and Da Vinci was distinctly different than his other relationships. In a way, they were better friends than they were lovers and, instead of focusing more on the emotional connection of having sex, it was clear that Da Vinci was more focused on the experience of sex itself. She was the type that wanted to try many different things and, as he was also more than a little curious to see what she would 'learn', Vahn just rested his hand on the back of Da Vinci's head and enjoyed her exploration of his body.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


srsly tho? How tf can author-sama make these things? Everything sounded legit and logically acceptable... The creativity to make hard magic writing is immense!

Though it would be useless in this situation, Da Vinci wasn't the type of person that lived by pure assumptions so, as a matter of course, she used the third lens to observe Vahn's body. As expected, he simply vanished from view when the third lens was the only one active while, in conjunction with the other two, it showed what appeared to be a 'hologram' of Vahn since he appeared as a semi-transparent figure within her vision. To make sure they were working properly, Da Vinci also looked around her workshop, observing that all of the tables were more or less empty back within the 'real' world. This allowed her to conclusively affirm that objects within the Sub-Space Projection and the real world weren't necessarily interrelated with each other. Though it was possible to 'link' a physical object with its projection by having it interface with the island-wide magic formation present all throughout Avalon, it was also possible to 'isolate' objects if you created an inverse-magic formation, effectively forming a 'gap' in the projection that could be exploited by enemies...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to Chester_Anico

Auto correction: I meant Alaya not Always lol

Almost as soon as Vahn said he didn't mind giving a sample, one of Akasha's hands grabbed the side of his neck while her other palm rested on his ribs. Then, without allowing him to continue footing around the issue, she bit into his neck while allowing her surprisingly hot body to press against his. Vahn felt an almost overwhelming heat pass into him but, immediately following that, his body just as quickly filtered it out as Akasha practically emptied the special sack he had made for Alaya's consumption. When she got what she wanted, Akasha released his body from her vice-like grip before pulling out another one of the translucent golden cubes and handing it over to Vahn. With his brow twitching, Vahn tossed the [Divine Energy Cube] into his Inventory while resisting the urge to grind his teeth.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to Goblin_Slaya

But with Da Vinci, it's going to be a Scientific Victory. Or maybe even Domination Victory with Moon Type on his side.

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Get Prank'd boi','Vahn is about to learn the difference between good and bad civilization...?','Gaining an unbeatable ally for the low-low price of 2 billion OP and a few sexual favors (U w U)...Vahn's pay-to-win lifestyle')

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Rereading: I freaking miss this gurl!!!

Merlin had proposed the idea of summoning people like Leonardo Da Vinci or Daedelus so that he could either innovate or restructure the surroundings to make them more suitable for the future inhabitants of Avalon. According to Merlin, Da Vinci had the highest possible ranking of the unfathomably rare skill, [Pioneer of the Stars]. This was a unique skill that allowed the user to turn the 'impossible' into 'events that can be realized'. All those who had the skill were individuals who had brought about great changes in history, often serving at the catalyst for civilizations makings leaps and bounds in the progression of technological innovation.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to BellCranel


After a great deal of crosstalk, including instances such as Tristana trying to squeeze out a higher rank for herself and Catherine outright refusing a rank, Vahn finally had a nascent structure for his Court. Nobunaga had unashamedly taken a rather high position, putting herself as the equal of Artoria by becoming a Queen-Empress-Consort. As for Lakshmibai, she settled on being a 'simple' Imperial Consort with the official rank of Dutchess. Scáthach refused an official rank but accepted a unique Title of Queen Marshall, with the role of educating Vahn and other members of the Imperial Family that she took a fancy to. She was perfectly aware that her endeavor to teach him 'everything' could take hundreds of years but, as it was all but guaranteed that she would be able to finally die one day, Scáthach didn't mind...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion


Honestly, 4chan would've put those kids to so much worse punishment

Startled by the unexpected stimulus, Nobunaga quickly turned away from Vahn as if she hugged the cat, both shielding it with her body and using it to shield her chest. Seeing this, Vahn released a soft chuckle before pulling out his cell phone and calling an ambulance. At the same time, Artoria had already fetched the boy that Nobunaga had kicked into the river. He had lost consciousness and, though Vahn was going to pull him out before he drowned, Artoria had beaten him to it as she pulled the boy by his collar before throwing him onto the embankment. His nose and left collarbone had been broken by Nobunaga's sudden attack but, as Artoria was quite fond of cats, she didn't feel too guilty tossing him aside like trash...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to IPreferLonerMc

It was written word by word that Illya crying was a "positive sign", not a representation. Either you didn't read the context that she's crying in relief and happiness, misinterpreted the phrase, or your purposely hating.

Following Vahn's instructions, Illya was able to successfully claim ownership of Heracles before having three [Artificial Command Seal]s placed on her hand. When all of this was completed, she was no longer able to keep back her tears as, even though Heracles had no real reaction to it, she threw her arms around his neck and began to sob loudly. Since crying was usually a 'positive' sign, Vahn watched Illya and Heracles with a gentle smile on his face as, from the side, Artoria had a similar smile on her face as she whispered, "You did the right thing, Master. That girl deserves a little bit of happiness for once..." To this, Vahn gave an affirmative nod before casting a glance toward Fenrir, one which she immediately understood. Until Illya was a stable existence, she would do her best to protect and care for the girl, just as she had done for Preasia in the past...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

Replied to fearlessj2008

Don't forget Cath Palug as well wink

Seeing Illya wearing a pair of animal pajamas, Vahn felt a brief twinge of pain in his chest before suppressing it moments later. Though she wasn't one of his children, seeing a small girl that he knew had struggled her entire life was enough to break Vahn's heart. Just the fact that she had a scar running across both eyes and the bridge of her nose, even though it was faded, made him wish he could kill Gilgamesh a second time. With that in mind, Vahn slowly traced his thumb across the scar on Illya's eyes, a gentle rainbow light flowing from the tip and into her skin. By the time he had swept his thumb across her face, Illya's scar was nowhere to be seen. Later, depending on how comfortable she was with it, Vahn intended to heal the scar on her chest as well...

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

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