Giuseppe_Uccheddu - Profile



male LV 4
2020-11-11 Joined Netherlands

Badges 5

Moments 779


im so happy to finally see this moment

"Hello, Millicas Gremory. I'm Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg." I felt oddly at peace.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne


what a coincidence that was exectly what you needed to make sure everything worked in your favor

Vesuvius looked pitifully at his lesser brethren, but inwardly he felt lucky, 'Such a great providence, I can maybe use this skeleton to trick players. Also, it is fire attributed, the element that I should be immune to.'

Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Fantasy · AnonymUser


something the radioactive spider that bjt you clearly didnt have if its death is anything to go by

Eren Parker stood frozen. 'What was that?' He monologued within himself. He didn't move his body, it moved as if his mind and body were separate, it acted on its own.

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Anime & Comics · SurelyNotEli

Replied to Matthew_

he would also need proper nutrients and euipment for it to be most effective and that takes money not to say he couldnt have worked out at all but if it wouldnt have been enough to fight back then whats the point?

Even back in elementary school, Eren found that retaliating against Flash Thompson would result in nothing. Either no one would get in trouble or just Eren would, so he soon realized there was nothing that could be done about it. Even if Eren wanted to fight, he was too skinny to stand up against Flash, as the odds of him winning against the boxer were near zero. One good punch would be all it takes, they both knew that.

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed

Anime & Comics · SurelyNotEli

Replied to chenglinqiu_ig

i think his existence will though even if nothing else the blueprints he designs will cause change everywhere either because they are allow people to do thing they couldnt/wouldnt originaly do or because people use it when they otherwise would have used something else and as a result fail and while most off these would not change with it causing changes in many places some thing should still end up changing even if thye are only minor changes like a crime that originaly did might not for exemple at the start of the series the is this thing with mount lady and kamui that might not happen or it might happen somewhere else where deku wound see it happening

Currently he was saying that his quirk could affect himself and other living things. Despite that, he only had a large amount of control over the changes he made to himself, if he tried to change anyone else it would react much more volatile by nature but he was able to with difficulty. He did this because he didn't want to be dragged into a medical profession as useful as that would be he was planning on taking extra courses under recovery girl when he got into U.A. well… that was if he got in. But he didn't see why he wouldn't, currently, he wanted to stay close to the main plot of the story so he could keep his knowledge of future events secure. Knowledge was power after all.



Anime & Comics · EpicBean

Replied to God_Of_Null

even if he did know it would come with to much risk as it might cause memory loss or maybe a change in personality

His mechanical skills had slowed massively once he turned his focus onto growing his quirk. Although he hadn't stopped he wasn't nearly as active as normal in his studies to do with those fields. He had given up on making a training robot, he had another idea in mind but he would get to that later. Once he was able to confirm whether or not it would be safe to do or not, the answer was most likely no but the idea was growing on him.



Anime & Comics · EpicBean

Replied to Stolen_Name

i think araser head would still come before that because if he also collects a few quirks to complement it he could potentially make it so that no quirk can stand against him after that only technoligy remains and for that he can just collect a couple to deal with it and he would become unstoppable

His quirk used his stamina to regenerate his body if he didn't have any matter to use in its such as nutritional bars. He could use them to reconstruct his arm without draining his stamina. It was just a lot harder.



Anime & Comics · EpicBean


basic jutsus?!?! your 2 darn it TWO!!! there has never and i mean NEVER been a mention of anyone in the series even being able to properly use chakra not to mention perform jutsus.

"Kazuki niisan, isn't it too early for me to learn about nature's transformations? I can barely perform the basic jutsus, and I'm not a prodigy like you," Shikamaru protested, his tone a mix of reluctance and genuine concern for his abilities.

Naruto : Shadows of Resurgence

Naruto : Shadows of Resurgence

Anime & Comics · Silent_stiele


sounds like it couldnt be something you can get adicted to

Dante navigated to the page containing information about dungeon locations and details. He activated his skill to enhance his concentration, a routine practice whenever he delved into learning. This time, however, it felt different. Dante sensed that his skill had grown stronger. His cognitive processes quickened, his reading speed increased, and his ability to remember information improved significantly.

I Only Have Support Skills

I Only Have Support Skills

Urban · Lncea


i cant wait to see wilhelm trying to act like a cool brother i think it would be a wholesome moment

Well, I had a sudden thought that seemed to squash all the lewd thoughts that were filling my head a moment prior. "Maybe…..if you want to invite other people?" I looked up at Venelana. "I wouldn't be against meeting my Half-Brother."

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne

Replied to Fallen_Crown

making it space manipulation bordering on time manipulation would make it better as otherwise things like slowed down peception of things when hit by it wouldnt make sense

Usopp grinned, Sparky devil fruit was amazing. It was able to slow opponents down. Noro Noro no Mi. Usopp found the powers of the fruit really interesting, and he wondered if he would be able to get a fruit of his own. Maybe one that would let him be a better sniper, and a brave warrior of the sea.



Anime & Comics · Fallen_Crown


i have a feeling this will cause a sinario like the wan with sanji and the weirdly drawn bounty poster but instead off a picture its because off the name

"Love you too lil bro…" Ace grinned from the other side. "But you have to know, your name is kinda making huge waves in the grandline… I'm pretty sure most of Gramp's old enemies will searching for a Mario. Anyway, it's good that we can talk like this… oh yeah, note down our ship's transponder snail number…"



Anime & Comics · Fallen_Crown

Replied to Reserv_r_dog

well if we go with the she is garps addopted grand duaghter and shanks wife then shanks would be brother in law

"Come on sparky, let's get back to training," Luffy said, grumbling his way out of the forest. "I should also ask Shanks for some sea stones the next time we talk."



Anime & Comics · Fallen_Crown

Replied to UthredofBebbanburg

the looked fine on the old enel but with the suit and all it looks stupid i mean imagine a man in suit with a ring of metal sticking out of his back with drums at certain spots in between the ring

I've decided to somewhat change my image a bit. I turned my golden bracers into rings, and I cut out the drum-like accessories on my back, leaving it empty.

One Piece: Reborn as Enel

One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Anime & Comics · VeganMaster

Replied to TrueImmortalDevil

you forgot that the weight off gold is a lot higher then most if not all other metals not to mention even if it wouldnt sink it would probibly collaps on itself cause gold aint all that sturdy

I also got started on building a mall ship using the old Enel's design. I plan to make it entirely out of gold, memorize its structure and form it at any time I need.

One Piece: Reborn as Enel

One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Anime & Comics · VeganMaster

Replied to hhhhz45

not just negative emotions its just that positive not as easy to get to the level needed to awaken those eyes unlike negative emotions because all you need is to lose your loved ones

'So, in this universe, Fumiko is the elder sister of Fugaku. What the actual fuck! It was never mentioned in anime or manga but maybe it is one of the arrangements of God. Now, I must save Itachi and his family. I don't care about other Uchihas as most of them are way over the head, drunk upon their power and bloodline. Maybe this is the side effect of the bloodline curse. Black Zetsu sure has tempered a lot with Uchiha bloodline. If I am unable to find a cure for the curse then I guess a wipeout of the Uchiha would be necessary or I can kill those stubborn old fools of the Uchiha clan and preserve its heritage. That black zombie plotted and wiped out the entire lineage of Hagoromo Otsutsuki, maybe he had a greater grudge against Hagoromo compared to Hamura. Hyuga clan was able to survive after all.'

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Anime & Comics · ForgottenLife

Replied to Hamsini_Mopuru

he actually was already gravely injured there thats also why none found it suspicous that he walked around all bandaged up he simply used that to his advantage to conceal the arm and eyes when he aquired them

A shaggy black-haired middle-aged man with his right eye concealed in bandages was staring at me. He had a cane in his left hand and there was a scary X-marked scar on his chin. He wore a black, hooded trench coat and high- lengthed black ninja sandals. His right arm was bandaged as it was tied with another bandage and hung from his neck.

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Anime & Comics · ForgottenLife

Replied to xera_

when i first looked at that picture i thought the head that sticks out on the bottom was the behind off the person on the right


"Damn! That led bulb always gave me goosebumps whenever I switched it on late at night. I had complained numerous times to the dorm caretaker to fix the line, but it always fell on deaf ears. I always wondered if someday that bulb will short-circuit and burn me to death in my sleep."

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Reborn in Naruto As Madara's Grandson

Anime & Comics · ForgottenLife

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