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This action will have consequences . . .

2020-12-08 Joined Global

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Please don't be a harem 🙏

This allowed transformation into various forms to meet the freshness needs of a partner.

The Necromancer is amassing troops like crazy in the apocalypse

The Necromancer is amassing troops like crazy in the apocalypse

Games · Angry Piranha

Replied to itsfarxs

Military Time, I think. I'm pretty sure it means 1 pm, but correct me if I'm wrong.

"—We've missed brunch, and I have yet to understand the particularities of your family. But I have taken it upon myself to schedule lunch at 1300 hours. 

Genetic Ascension

Genetic Ascension

Fantasy · Awespec


tl;dr - Inconsistencies and very little is explained. Heavily recommended not reading. Inconsistent Magic Stat and MP. Magic Stat went from 5 to 15 after a 1 year timeskip in which he became a 3rd rank (star? circle? idk) mage and did nothing else during that time. The literal next chapter, the Stat is 5. Then he leveled up a lot and classed up (He reached a level threshold and got a class). The class added "+8" to the Magic Stat, and after getting the class, the Stat was 13. It's also not explained what leveling up does since he doesn't seem to gain any Stat points. During this time, his MP has gone from 15 to 10. Oh, there's also a random well in the middle of a big city (which is later explained to be a dungeon, but if that's the case why is no one guarding it or going into it in an entire year? (1 year timeskip in which he stays near the well for the entire year) And the MC doesn't question the well at all. MC is also supposed to be some smart, really powerful Mage dude before he was killed and went to the new world and yet he attacks someone bc they have a cool looking gold mask and he wanted it. He already had a black mask. It's been explained that masks cost money, and the poor can't even wear them. This is also a fantasy world where he saw a dude get killed soon after arriving, and nobody even looked in the direction. So it's safe to assume the rich are also very powerful. And it'd be a pretty simple conclusion to make that a gold mask costs more than a plain black one. So even though he's barely any more powerful than before, he attacks bc he wants the mask and nearly gets killed. And the only reason he isn't is bc some bs Dungeon mechanic and the guy not directly finishing him off. Should also mention he was killed (I think? or at least injured. it wasn't explained) by a fish that came from the well/dungeon (when he goes doesn't encounter any such fish as of chapter 12, multiple days after being in the dungeon) and that for some reason activates his system. Yeah, a fish. A mere fish with sharp teeth. I should also mention he was only given the chance to be reborn bc he had a large amount of good Karma. Yet he murders 30 people a year after getting to the new world and tries to murder someone bc he wanted their cool mask. I personally prefer ruthless evil mc over a brain-dead goody to shoes hero stereotype. But not when the entire reason for the plot is happening is because he's supposedly a good person. Another thing is that even after killing so many people, the best weapon he has after all that time is a couple of sharpened rocks. It is mentioned that a butterfly knife (or whatever it was) that he got from a victim mysteriously vanished but the mc doesn't question it at all and it's literally only a single sentence saying jts gone. This would make you draw the conclusion that he can't take others' belongings for some reason, even his they're dead. But he can take one of the victims' masks, and it doesn't disappear?? Overall, nothing is explained, mc is a murder-hobo idiot, and there are a lot of inconsistencies. Don't get fooled by the potential of the story. Was genuinely excited to read this bc it's extremely rare to find a novel where the mc has water/ice powers, and that is one of my favorite elemental powers. And I was met with this.

Replied to Rafian

From my complete lack of knowledge in this field, I don't think the amount of calories gained from eating the same food changes depending on the person. A person who works out regularly would obviously need to eat more food and therefore more calories because they are burning a significantly more amount than the average person. They don't suddenly start to not get as many calories from food. They simply require more calories to keep up with the increased amount they burn from working out or else they'd be unhealthy. And what you said about dr.ugs and viruses doesn't really make much sense in this context. In that situation, the is a poison for the virus (very basic, but that's essential what it is. sorta). It is similar to how say a snake bite (venom, yes, ik) could seriously injure a human (lower virus), and then the same snake bites a mongoose (stronger virus), and it just shakes it off after a while. It is simply more resistant to the poison. Now, with that said, it still has nothing to do with this context. The analogy you're trying to make (at least this is what I think you're trying to say) is that a stronger being wouldn't be as affected by something a weaker being would be. This makes sense if we're talking about taking damage or smth along those lines. But, what we're talking about is getting exp. The higher being should still "absorb" the same about of exp as a lower being. Now, there are multiple ways author's can go about explaining why they (higher beings) get less exp. For example, the higher being is simply a higher form of life, and the energy they require to grow stronger is stronger / more potent (I think that's the word) than a lower being. Say, for example, for a lower being a single unit ot energy *exp* is 1 power. For a higher being a single unit of energy, *exp* is 10 power. This would make it so that if I higher being absorbs the energy *exp* of a lower being, they would need to condense the lower energy into the higher energy. So, 10 units of lower energy would make 1 unit of higher energy. But this would only really make sense if the number of units required to get stronger stays the same and doesn't increase. So you'd need 100 units of lower energy to reach level 2. At level 2, you'll need 200 units of energy to reach level 3. But, instead of the number of units being 200, it's 100, and every unit is equal to two level 1 units of energy. But that's clearly not the case with this novel. In this novel, the mc just gets less exp for no reason other than so the author can make the mc fight stronger enemies to make the story more interesting. Because let's be honest, if the mc didn't get a lower amount of exp, he would hole himself up somewhere with a bunch of weak monsters and grind then till he's ridiculously strong. Now, since he gets less exp, he has to adventure out and fight super strong beings and meet powerful friends and foes, which makes for an interesting story. But all of that rides on the fact he gets less exp from beings weaker than him. And if the only reason he gets less exp is, "just cause" and that immediately makes sense to the mc without him questioning it for a single second, doesn't make much sense to the reader. Or at least it doesn't to me. Another example as to why the exp the mc receives is lower is from a novel I read and can't remember the name of. Basically, the system the mc has in it is all about fighting. The system rewards him with less exp for fighting beings weaker than him because it wants him to fight those stronger than him. And it is a sorta important part of the novel from what I remember. The mc recognizes that he is only getting less exp because of the system, and he knows how bs is it but can't do anything about it besides fight stronger being. That's a big driving point. It makes sense. It has an explanation as to why, and it has the mc reaction to the explanation. He doesn't just mindlessly except the lower amount of exp without a second thought. Something the mc in this novel does.

After he reached level 2, the EXP yielded from level 0 zombies diminished from 2.5 to only one point. It was not hard to guess that the higher his level, the lower the EXP he would receive from those creatures who were lower level than him.

Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Fantasy · DurcalAka

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