Lauren_natasha - Profile



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2020-12-19 Joined Global

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Of home 😍

Eve took a deep breath which ended up taking a whiff of Vincent's scent, which reminded her of the ocean. Of home. His gazed weighed on her, and she answered, 

Allure Of The Night

Allure Of The Night

Fantasy · ash_knight17

Replied to Gosia_Lovett

I was wondering the same thing!

On their way, Rosetta continuously talked to Eve while the latter listened to her. She said, "My father sent a letter to Aunt Camille that he will be coming here soon. In a week or two. I worry that this time when he's returning home, he will take me home along with him."

Allure Of The Night

Allure Of The Night

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Love this paragraph ♥️

While Madeline continued to hug her mother, who was still speaking to her, she saw Calhoun step into the corridor. The one person she could look at without doubting. He made his way slowly towards where they stood, and Madeline couldn't believe how things had turned. There was a time when she didn't want to see Calhoun, to stay away from him but after accepting him by her side, it made the current situation bearable. 

The Crown's Obsession

The Crown's Obsession

Fantasy · ash_knight17

Replied to CarefreeKate

What is riftans POV?

"I once saw you sitting in the garden of Croyso Castle during one of my visits. You were petting a cat you had on your lap."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


Same Barron

"Has this ever happened before?" Belle asked softly to Barron who had been busy looking at his body for the past twenty minutes. One could tell that Barron was obsessed with how he looked. Half of the time he was stuck in front of the windows or mirrors to look at himself, Belle wondered what kind of Grim was obsessed with being clean and perfect. 

Belle Adams' Butler

Belle Adams' Butler

Fantasy · ash_knight17



"Unless you can speak to her parents and tell you were the talking rabbit since the beginning of time, then go find the maid. We don't know if it is her parents or if something else that has crawled its way back in here," said Lucas that had Barron slouch before he stood straight and left to look for the maid.

Belle Adams' Butler

Belle Adams' Butler

Fantasy · ash_knight17

Replied to coco_cabana


How could she not? One side was the house while on the other side was the butler. To others, he was just a butler but to Belle, he was the person she had grown around to realize she liked him more than what an owner was supposed to feel.

Belle Adams' Butler

Belle Adams' Butler

Fantasy · ash_knight17

Replied to Nephthysss

Lol so true!

"What can I say, I am the butler."

Belle Adams' Butler

Belle Adams' Butler

Fantasy · ash_knight17


“But the man heard everything” oh he knows, sweet girl 😍

In the darkness, somewhere her heart started to beat in a rhythm which she could only hope he didn't hear but the man heard everything. He heard and saw everything but didn't react unless he wanted to which made it hard to understand him.

Belle Adams' Butler

Belle Adams' Butler

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Oh girl, I have been there to…


"Ah," she covered her face between her chest and knees.

Belle Adams' Butler

Belle Adams' Butler

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Shape shifters!

What creatures were there? Asked Durik to himself in question. All he knew was that the land consisted of the humans, witches, and the vampires and he had never heard of these shining creatures. The way they moved was similar to water or more like jelly-like. Their appearance changed every once in a while that worried him. 

Young master Damien's pet

Young master Damien's pet

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Foreshadowing 😩

"Back in the days, the white witches were purer in sense and were easily dominated and manipulated by the vampires. This led to a disadvantage to the white witches who felt powerless as they couldn't use the magic they once learned. There were also the humans in the equation who loathed witches in general. Burning and torturing them was the human's way to show that they were better. And that was how slowly the good ones started to turn bad. It was the survival of the fittest, to outlive and overpower the others such that now the white witches have started to side with the black witches."

Young master Damien's pet

Young master Damien's pet

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Dont tell her!

"It is for the start of the ritual, for a massacre," Penny breathed the words out of her mouth. 

Young master Damien's pet

Young master Damien's pet

Fantasy · ash_knight17


I think shes talking about the ghouls

Creatures of the night and the day, guardian of these both which has been written in the book of 'Vervus'.'

Young master Damien's pet

Young master Damien's pet

Fantasy · ash_knight17

Replied to Shadow_09_28

I agree 😂

"No, Mrs. Keith," Penny coughed not knowing how Damien would react hearing this.

Young master Damien's pet

Young master Damien's pet

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Im not sure i like this side of Leo..

Vivian didn't know what had gotten into Leonard but his teasing had gone too far and he was turning his words into reality. God only knew what the store members would think about them and the torn dress, embarrassment fell on her face. Being like this with him in a small cosy room where he could do as he pleased as no one would dare to enter and interrupt what the Duke was doing, a small silver of shiver ran across her body which Leonard noticed.

Bambi and the Duke

Bambi and the Duke

Fantasy · ash_knight17


I spy a ghoul...

Feeling as if she was only imagining things, Vivian turned in the direction to head to the room when she felt something move from the corner of her eyes. It made her heart leap in her chest yet she stood there still like a statue that had been frozen.

Bambi and the Duke

Bambi and the Duke

Fantasy · ash_knight17

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