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2021-03-03 Joined Global

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qnd they have a Phoenix here????

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We were all hoping that seris was here instead of anyone else. But I'm sure she has prepared for this since before the povs changed she got caera out of the denoir household. Maybe she plans to send her secretly? Don't know but the portal sounds like bad news. Perhaps we'll have 2 super strong scythes coming in or multiple ones. It's not as if they can simply dispatch as many scythe as they like since scythe also have a job. In their homeland, to some extent.

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if it were that easy then they would've done this a long time ago. I understand what u mean. I'm hoping it's them too. and hopefully, it is. but prob not the other retainers. the citizens won't be safe they're not in a position to lose any more comrades and soldiers. plus idk if its a good idea to do that. theyll prob work from the shadows

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Replied to Nikoskun2007

I know right? aldir and wren will just bring in so much unwanted emotional turmoil I'd rather caera comes in and makes Arthur a little bit guilty.

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they will ally because he needs his help. and explaining what happened in the past does not change that it was still aldir who killed all those people. a single asura, taci died and the whole of epheotus is in chaos and yet when an entire continent is razed they couldn't be bothered? I'm not saying they won't become allies.. I mean if they didn't how would they spar and train together. his hatred for aldir won't go away just because he's an ally now.

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aldir? wren? alacryan soldiers? or caera?

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Replied to Setu_Partiwala

yeah he can't in but it's training so he can lash out as much as he wants right. he needs to let loose. especially after what he saw. I mean dudes sitting in a different continent with no way back and helplessly watching as his sister was almost killed by this asura. and he did slaughter the entire kingdom. and he couldn't save single soul. do u really think he won't try every chance at hurting that man when he so openy can under the pretext of training?

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Replied to Setu_Partiwala

@Geiber_piwen this was in reply to you

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I agree with what ur saying but I just don't have the same confidence in him that I can have in aldir. wrens personality- he may never lose intrigue and curiosity because our protagonist is one of a kind but that is not to say he will stick by his side. we can say aldir will stay loyal to him because he wishes to stay loyal to a cause that Arthur is working towards. while wrens goals are rather a momentary and impulsive behavior in reaction to a fleeting emotion. we cannot day if even in his eccentricity he will find in himself to pledge himself and swear himself to pick a side.

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well only to an extent. I know that whatever the case they will become allies under the current circumstances. There's not much of an option here. but they will hate him all the same. he killed the entire kingdom darling. there will be a lot of tension and infighting because of that.

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but if Arthur does train with aldir, he could potentially unlock a lot of his talents. Arthur might just go into an unrestrained fury against him, however.

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oh god, they're both off to dicathen. I wonder if aldir can spark a rebellion. if he can somehow convince the clan leader to keep it hush tho I'm sure kezzez will find out, should the truth be spread and known. I don't know what that will entail. but if the most loyal dog can turn on his master's ways surely the other more flexible races might reconsider eventually it will be difficult for dicathians to let aldir and wren ally themselves together. perhaps Arthur will accept to an extent and make them work in the shadows. then again, while i trust aldir has changed for the better, wren only has a curiosity growing in him surely his motives cannot be confirmed and he might turn his back on dicathen since he has seen enough. the uncertainty of everything is quite the pain.

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Replied to Tan96

First of all, let's understand that agrona already knows more than enough. He's only unaware of the aether arts and his meeting with the djinn. Even if seris wanted, she wouldn't be able to defeat Cecilia. Cecil has otherworldly mana arts. Did u not see her repair nicos core? Even agrona can't do that. And grey would never fall for caera, he already established that. But I do believe they should send reinforcement to dicathen-- but again that would be a give away for agrona. That is a contradiction too tho since agrona already knows I assume that greys back in dicathen. He has his sources and now that he knows Grey's capable of outsmarted him, he'll child every way possible to remove him from the picture.

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the new chapters already out

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Like--- arthurs own discomfort and hatred was visible when he addressed bairon but the next thing you know he crying for him. And Arthur was just blank the entirety of it. And that's the best thing to have happened in this chapter.

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when will the next chapter be released

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