Edward_Arias - Profile


male LV 11
2021-03-09 Joined Mexico

Badges 7

Moments 37


aawww!! que hermoso! :3 grande Orion :3 <3

"I told you, you saved my daughters and my wife more than once. That means the world for someone like me, even for Jirni. Maybe we'll never be in-laws, but you earned your place in this family and the Ernas protect their own."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


si lo pones de esa manera hasta me siento mal :'c

"The wargs just wanted food and shelter. Is that so wrong? To try to escape from cold and starvation? Did my family deserve to die just so that fucking Baroness could pin a medal to your chest?"

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


seria gracioso ver esto en dibujo o animación, de como todos asienten, mientras rena esta amordazada por razz hahahaha

"Don't worry, she won't hear a word about it from us, right?" The peanut gallery nodded, even the still gagged Rena.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20



"Dress like you would when meeting a friend, show them your lovely smile and you'll charm them just as you charmed me. Besides, no one would ever think of you as a gold digger. Not after putting up with my stinginess for so long."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


no no no, salga de ahí y aléjese lo mas rápido que pueda hahahaha

Lith was scared of his birthday because it put him between a rock and a hard place. Things had been going well with Kamila, so after a while, it was only natural that she asked him when he would introduce her to his parents.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


monohar tipo: me quedo y sigo encadenado a jirni o me dejo raptar para ser libre?.... monohar: la opción mas lógica será que me rapten, si es un buen plan jajajaja

After days spent literally chained to Jirni with nothing to do but wait, the gala with Mynna had helped the Professor to make up his mind in a split second.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


THINK LITH!!! THINK!!!! hahhahahahaha


"Since the second set of arms took almost all of the lower back, where else could it be?"

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


mira ese poder!!!


Thanks to Invigoration and some custom made spells, he had an easy time discovering his partner's most sensitive zones, when to stimulate them, and how passionate or not he had to be to achieve the maximum effect.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20




"My name is Linjos." Lith replied without hesitation.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


*veneno existe* lith: que me lo meta en la boca dice :v hahahahaha

'This should be Death Pepper.' Lith thought after licking a greasy substance off a sharp blade placed at the height where the thigh of an average man would be.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


woah!! woah!! que esta pasando aqui?

Lith was lying on a sofa, with his head on Friya's lap while she caressed his soft hair.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


modo norteño activado jsjsjsjsjs chiste solo para mexico jajaja (supongo)

"Don't worry, little brother. I'm sure you'll find another girlfriend." Tista stamped a kiss on his cheek. Her attempt only made Lith snarl. Ever since Tista had started seriously practicing magic, her impurities had slowly but steadily moved towards her core.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


Auch!! eso si que me dolió

Lith was speechless, feeling like a big chunk of his heart had just been ripped out from his chest.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


referencia a USA jajajajaja 10/10 jajajajaja

Those were the questions he had to answer over and over again. He felt like a school shooting survivor forced to reply to the dumbest questions a reporter's mind could come up with to boost their audience.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


ay no!! por que!!!


All the thoughts they never had the time to talk about because of the academy. Reading how Yurial had always considered him like a big brother and a true friend, ripped Lith's soul to shreds. It made him understand how precious was their bond.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


que me jodan :c estoy llorando mucho mucho :'v maldición!!!!


Deirus knew who to give them because on the first page of each of them was written in big letters: "For Lith". He had found them once he opened his son's dimensional amulet after recovering his body.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


lith: no se que sea esto >:v tenemos que probarlo con la boca en nombre de la ciencia. jajajajajja este tipo esta loco jajajajajaja

Lith removed the stopper, taking a single droplet of the silver liquid it contained with water magic and put it on his own tongue. It was tasteless and odorless too, making it impossible to understand its nature with an external examination.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


Nooooo!!! M'rook esta muerto :c

Scarlett felt a deep pain inside of her. By choosing to help the humans, she had endangered the lives of her underlings, causing the death of many of them. M'Rook had died fighting the Valors, leaving her without a second in command and many more had been gravely injured or maimed.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20


vamos a vivir!!!!!!!!!!!!

 The world energy was naturally shapeless, like water, it assumed the signature of whoever managed to call forth its power. As more and more of Protector's mana reached the fake core, it started to mutate until the two energy signatures perfectly matched.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

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